ICU300 / ICU300T Doors
Manual Sliding Doors with Breakout Expanded Access
The ICU300 doors are available in a wide range of sizes, configurations, and finishes. Single, biparting, or telescopic doors are available with either two, three, four, or six panels. A recessed track or trackless guide system allows for easy operation with or without a floor track. Perfect Access for hospitals and surgical centers.
ICU1200 Swing Door
Manual Bi-directional Swing Door with Bi-fold Function
The ICU1200 allows the ease of a bi-directional swing door with expanded access using a bi-fold set. This three panel door gives the access you need without the need for breakout.
The BIMobject filename indicates Revit wall types application:
Solid Wall, [no tag]
Curtain Wall, CW
The BIMobject filename indicates the door assembly type:
Single panel doors
SN Single panel, Narrow stile
Bi-parting panel doors
BN Bi-parting panels, Narrow stile
CAD DWG format files are available online through the dormakaba entrance systems ICU300 and the ICU1200 product pages.
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