Hook Strip
The modular of 500mm have 4 hooks, the 750mm have 6 hooks and the 1000mm have 8 hooks.
The width of the system is 250mm and it is manufactured in modular widths of 500mm, 750mm and 1000mm.
The modular of 600mm have 4 hooks, the 900mm have 6 hooks.
The width of the system is 300mm, and it is manufactured in the modular widths of 600mm and 900mm.
It can be ordered with different widths.
We have flexible and smart cloakroom furnishings for preschools, schools and offices. Clothes units, Hat Shelf, Seat Benches, Basket shelf, Boot Hanger and Shoe Racks etc.
Placed on stand-alone stands or is mounted on wall rails, with or without wood details. Can be supplemented with accessories such as hook strips and dripping tray, etc. Available in 24 standard colors. Other colors can be ordered.
The wood components are manufactured in birch melamine as standard, other designs and wood material can be ordered. Can be assembled in many ways.
The clean lines, durability and quality, of Dalform cloakroom interior makes them an ideal choice for virtually any facility. Available in a wide range of sizes and designer colors, Dalform interior are an attractive and effective cloakroom solution.
Dalform have manufactured cloakroom interior since 2008
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Аландские острова | Антигуа и Барбуда |
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Бельгия | Бонэйр |
Болгария | Британские Виргинские острова |
Босния и Герцеговина | Виргинские Острова |
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