DigitalMedia™ NVX technology transports ultra high-definition 4K video with 60 Hz frame rates and 4:4:4 color sampling over standard Gigabit Ethernet. Support for HDR video (HDR10) and HDCP 2.2 ensures the ultimate in picture quality and compatibility for all of today’s varied media sources. Using standards-based Ethernet wiring and switches, DM® NVX delivers a vastly scalable, high-performance solution for enterprise-wide 4K content distribution.[1]
The Crestron® DM-NVX-351C is a video encoder/decoder card that installs in one slot of a DMF-CI-8 card chassis. It is designed to function as either a transmitter or receiver with the ability to switch between the two modes programmatically via commands from a Crestron control system. Featuring simple web-based control and management, USB and KVM integration, and support for copper and fiber LAN connectivity, the DM-NVX-351C offers a one-stop solution for any-sized network AV installation.[2]
The DM-NVX-351C includes all the features of the DM-NVX-350C with the addition of surround sound to stereo downmixing. Refer to the “7.1 Surround Sound Audio with Downmixing” section below for details.
Real-Time 4K60 Video Distribution
Engineered for demanding conference room and classroom applications, DM NVX ensures real-time, full-motion 4K60 video performance for the presentation of multimedia, videoconferencing, and live camera images. DM NVX employs high-quality JPEG 2000 encoding using a patent-pending technique that overlaps scaling and encoding latencies, achieving an ultra-low end-to-end latency of 30 ms at 60 fps, so on-screen functions such as mousing and game play are fluid and natural.
Encoder and Decoder in One
In a single card, the DM-NVX-351C is configurable to operate as either a network AV encoder or decoder.
2x1 HDMI® Auto-Switcher
The DM-NVX-351C includes two HDMI inputs. Switching between the two inputs can be performed automatically using auto-switching mode, programmatically via a Crestron control system, or through a computer using a web browser.[1]
HDMI Output
When configured as a decoder, the DM-NVX-351C’s HDMI output feeds the decoded signal to the input of a switcher, a local display device, or any other device with an HDMI input. Its built-in scaler ensures an optimal image, scaling the encoded source resolution up or down to match the native resolution of the display device. When used as an encoder, the HDMI output can be used to feed a local display, confidence monitor, or audio system.[1,3]
USB and KVM Integration
For a complete signal management solution, DM NVX supports the extension of USB signals, which may be switched and routed alongside the AV signal or separately via the control system. USB 2.0 host and device ports are provided on each DM-NVX-351C card, allowing a USB mouse, keyboard, or other device to be connected at one DM NVX endpoint and routed to a computer or other host at any other endpoint. KVM switch functionality is a natural application for this feature, but all types of USB peripherals are supported including whiteboards, touch screens, game controllers, cameras, mobile devices, headsets, and flash drives.[4]
USB signals can also be routed to other locations where a DM NVX endpoint does not exist using Crestron USB over Ethernet Extender Modules (USB-EXT-DM). USB signals can be freely routed between DM NVX and USB-EXT-DM units over Ethernet under the management of a Crestron control system.
7.1 Surround Sound Audio with Downmixing
DM NVX supports the lossless transport of 7.1 surround sound audio signals, including Dolby® TrueHD, Dolby Atmos®, DTS-HD®, DTS:X®, and uncompressed linear PCM. The DM-NVX-351C includes the ability to decode the incoming multichannel surround sound signal, whether from the network or an HDMI input, and downmix that signal to stereo. The stereo downmix signal is automatically routed to the onboard analog output [5], while the HDMI output can be configured to output either stereo or multichannel. As an encoder, the DM-NVX-351C distributes both stereo and multichannel signals simultaneously over the network, allowing either signal to be selected at any decoder on the network.
Analog Audio Embedding or De-embedding
A balanced stereo analog audio port is included, which may be configured as either an input or output. As an input, it allows a stereo audio source to be connected and combined with the video signal from either HDMI input or the incoming network video stream. As an output, it can provide a stereo line-level signal to feed a local sound system or analog audio switcher. The output volume is adjustable via a control system or web browser.[5]
Breakaway Audio
A DM NVX decoder may select and combine separate video and audio signals from two different inputs, even two different encoders. There are just two exceptions: A) signals may not be combined between the two onboard HDMI inputs, and B) combining signals from two separate encoders is limited to 2-channel stereo audio.[6,7]
Text Overlay
The ability to display dynamic or fixed text on screen provides a means to label the video source or display special instructions, schedules, announcements, alerts, and other messaging.
Video Wall Processing
1. 4K60 4:4:4 performance requires the use of HDMI cables with a minimum TMDS bandwidth of 18 Gbps, such as Crestron model CBL-HD (20 ft / 6.1 m max. length). If 4K60 4:2:0 or 4K30 4:4:4 performance is acceptable, cables with a minimum bandwidth of 10.2 Gbps may be used, such as Crestron models CBL-HD-LOCK or CBL-HD (any available length). Performance may also be affected if an HDMI coupler is inserted in the HDMI signal path. Crestron coupling products (MP-WP150, MP-WP152, MPI-WP150, or FTA-CP-HD-101) and cable retractors (CBLR2-HD) all have a specified bandwidth of 10.2 Gbps, and thus do not support 4K60 4:4:4. Please be aware that bandwidth loss is cumulative, so the combination of multiple components inserted inline may reduce performance.
2. To add a fiber optic LAN port requires the purchase of a Crestron SFP-1G series SFP transceiver module (sold separately). All LAN ports on the DM-NVX-351C are for connection to an Ethernet based AV network or device; they cannot be connected to the “DM” ports of other Crestron devices.
3. When in encoder mode, the HDMI output resolution is matched to the resolution of the encoded source.
4. The DM-NVX-351C can be configured to accept the connection of a USB device or a USB host, not both. Crestron DM NVX products are engineered to deliver maximum compatibility with the widest possible range of USB products. Crestron does not guarantee that all USB products are compatible with DM NVX products. DM NVX is compatible with Crestron USB-EXT-DM products, but is not compatible with the “USB HID only” signal extender technology found in other Crestron DM products.
5. The analog audio port can function as an input or output, not both.
6. Audio from one onboard HDMI input may not be combined with video from the other onboard HDMI input.
7. Combining audio from one encoder with video from another encoder utilizes the secondary 2-channel audio stream. Multichannel audio from one encoder cannot be combined with video from another encoder.
8. Device control via CEC requires integration with a Crestron control system.
9. 3D video input signals are automatically converted to 2D.
10. HDMI connections require an appropriate adapter or interface cable to accommodate a DVI or Dual-Mode DisplayPort signal. CBL-HD-DVI interface cables are available separately.
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о-в Мэн | Мальдивы | Сальвадор | Мали | ||
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Северная Македония | Пакистан | Синт-Мартен | о. Св. Елены | ||
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Чехия | Узбекистан | Того | |||
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Эстония | Япония | Чад | |||
Экваториальная Гвинея | |||||
Эритрея | |||||
Эсватини | |||||
Эфиопия | |||||
Южная Африка | |||||
Южный Судан |