The sensing cable is formed from a pair of twisted steel conductors each with temperature sensitive insulation and then an overall outer sleeve. When the temperature sensitive insulation reaches its predetermined alarm temperature the two conductors short together providing the alarm signal. The cable can be connected to any unit capable of monitoring a switched or digital alarm signal (i.e. conventional fire panel, addressable switch monitor unit or PLC). The fire detection capability can be enhanced when the LHD is used in conjunction with the Digital Location Interface (DU).
LHD cable is classified as a "simple device" and so with the use of suitable Intrinsically Safe (IS) barriers to limit the energy to a safe level, it can be used in hazardous areas. The Linear Heat Detection cable can be cut to length as required and with its ease of installation and low maintenance it provides a cost effective solution where project expenditure requires to be kept at a minimum. The Linesense Linear Heat Detection cable has the widest range of Alarm temperatures 68°C to 240°C.
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