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Cariboni Group

TRAIL Wall mounted / ground recessed

Trail is the ideal solution for indoor and outdoor linear lighting wherever light quality, reliability and energy efficiency are required. #Light quality [1] The quality of the sources and the special linear optical system ensure that the light output is homogeneous and the materials give a high colour rendering index. [2] When installed side-by-side in a continuous line, Trail modules ensure continuous, even distribution without any shadows on the illuminated surfaces. [3] The ultra-wide beam version has an anti-glare screen that diffuses the light to ensure high visual comfort. #Flexibility Trail Ceiling Wall Recessed is available in two lengths and can be installed as a single module or in a continuous line. #Easy to install [1] A single power cable can power multiple Trail modules. The individual connections to each fitting branch off through watertight connectors mounted on the single cable. The watertight plug-socket ensures simple, quick and safe installation. [2] The recessed housing is high enough to accommodate the power cable and quick connector under each Trail. [3] The recessed housing has three separate polystyrene inserts to allow removal of one or both parts near the heads in order to make the connections easily. [4] In continuous-line configurations, the recessed housing alignment device joins all the modules and makes it hard for vandals to remove the system. The Trail product can however be removed with the optional accessory provided. #Attention to detail The heads of each individual product are very small to minimise the break in light due to the joint between modules. #DURABLE The product is robust and reliable. Components, materials and finishes have been chosen to last a long time and resist corrosion, infiltration and mechanical impact.
  • Trail is the ideal solution for indoor and outdoor linear lighting wherever light quality, reliability and energy efficiency are required. #Light quality [1] The quality of the sources and the special linear optical system ensure that the light output is homogeneous and the materials give a high colour rendering index. [2] When installed side-by-side in a continuous line, Trail modules ensure continuous, even distribution without any shadows on the illuminated surfaces. [3] The ultra-wide beam version has an anti-glare screen that diffuses the light to ensure high visual comfort. #Flexibility Trail Ceiling Wall Recessed is available in two lengths and can be installed as a single module or in a continuous line. #Easy to install [1] A single power cable can power multiple Trail modules. The individual connections to each fitting branch off through watertight connectors mounted on the single cable. The watertight plug-socket ensures simple, quick and safe installation. [2] The recessed housing is high enough to accommodate the power cable and quick connector under each Trail. [3] The recessed housing has three separate polystyrene inserts to allow removal of one or both parts near the heads in order to make the connections easily. [4] In continuous-line configurations, the recessed housing alignment device joins all the modules and makes it hard for vandals to remove the system. The Trail product can however be removed with the optional accessory provided. #Attention to detail The heads of each individual product are very small to minimise the break in light due to the joint between modules. #DURABLE The product is robust and reliable. Components, materials and finishes have been chosen to last a long time and resist corrosion, infiltration and mechanical impact.
Техническая спецификация
  • Уникальная ссылкаTRAIL_wall_recessed_mounted
  • Тип продукцииRecessed
  • Группа продукцииTrail
  • ТипОбъект (один объект)
  • Дата публикации2017-12-06
  • Номер версии2
  • Высота (мм)98
  • Ширина (мм)1250
  • Глубина (мм)82
  • Основной материалАлюминий
  • Вспомогательный материалАлюминий
  • Разработано вИталия
  • Страна-производительИталия
  • Масса нетто (кг)6
  • Категория BIMobjectОсвещение - Настенное оборудование
  • Классификация IFCОсветительные приборы
  • Код ETIMEC001959
  • Название ETIMLED-lamp/Multi-LED
  • Название по ССКПУ ООНLighting Fixtures and Accessories
  • Код ССКПУ ООН3911
  • Код Uniclass 2015Pr_70_70_48_46
  • Описание Uniclass 2015Light-emitting diode (LED) luminaires
  • ProductPage.DetailedInfo.Classifications.COBIetypeCategoryPr_70_70_48_46
  • Код CSI MasterFormat 201426 56 00
  • Заголовок CSI MasterFormat 2014Exterior Lighting
  • Номер OmniClass23-35 47 11
  • Наименование OmniClassLighting Fixtures
  • Код CSI UniFormat IID5020
  • Заголовок CSI UniFormat IILighting & Branch Wiring