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VPL-VW295ES 4K HDR Home Theater Projector
VPL-VW295ES 4K HDR Home Theater Projector
VPL-VW295ES 4K HDR Home Theater Projector

VPL-VW295ES 4K HDR Home Theater Projector

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Veja o panorama geral em True 4K HDR.
Grandes cenas são ainda maiores com o projetor de home theater VW295ES 4K HDR.1 Tamanhos de tela de até 200” trazem resolução 4K HDR realista para qualquer sala. 1.500 lúmens de brilho iluminam a ação com as tecnologias Motionflow™ e Advanced Reality Creation, criando uma imagem nítida em cada cena.
  • Native 4K resolution for lifelike pictures
    With more than four times the resolution of Full HD,1 native 4K offers 8.8 million pixels (4096 x 2160) for a picture that’s so incredibly lifelike, it’s like looking at the real thing.

    SXRD™ Imagers times 3
    Separate imagers for Red, Green and Blue channels give you all 8.8 million pixels in full, rich color at every instant.

    HDR Compatible
    Take full advantage of the latest content produced with HDR (High Dynamic Range) for extremely wide contrast range with an even higher range of brightness levels and volume of colors.

    HDR Reference Mode option
    HDR Reference Mode allows clipping for the brightest displayed pixels to create a richer gradation in bright parts of the scene and retain HDR that’s true to the creator’s intent.

    Motionflow™ provides smooth motion for 4K & HD
    On-screen action looks smother with Motionflow™, even in 4K content. Action in movies, sports, and video games appears incredibly clear and lifelike, as if you were there in real life.

Especificações técnicas
  • Ref.ª únicaVPL-VW295ES-4K-HDR-Home-Theater-Projector
  • Familia de productoData/Multi/Media Projectors
  • Grupo de produtos4K HDR
  • TipoObject (objeto único)
  • Data de publicação2019-03-25
  • Número de edição1
  • Categoria BIMobjectComponentes eletrónicos - Eletrônica Visual
  • Classificação IFCObjeto
  • ETIM CodeEC000690
  • ETIM NameVideo projector
  • Nome UNSPSCProjectors and supplies
  • Código UNSPSC451116
  • Código CSI MasterFormat 201411 52 16
  • Título CSI MasterFormat 2014Projectors
  • Número OmniClass23-37 15 19
  • Título OmniclassVideo Projectors
  • Código CSI UniFormat IIE

Disponibilidade da região

América do Norte
United States