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ISOPAN Isofire Wall - Fono
ISOPAN Isofire Wall - Fono

    ISOPAN Isofire Wall - Fono

    Mineral wool sandwich panel for walls, with internal sheet with micro-holes and exposed fixing. UTILIZATION Isofire Wall is a sandwich panel for covering used for walls of industrial facilities, processing rooms, internal partitions. The rock wool insulation makes it fire resistant. The presence of an internal sheet with micro-holes makes Isofire Wall Fono a product suited for sound absorption and soundproofing requirements, like in engine rooms and processing rooms. CHARACTERISTICS - Sandwich panel with double metal skin - Internal sheet with micro-holes for sound absorption - Mineral wool insulation - Joint with exposed fixing - It can be installed vertically or horizontally
    Especificações técnicas
    • Ref.ª únicaIsofire_Wall_Fono
    • Familia de productoWall Panel
    • Grupo de produtosExposed fixing
    • TipoObject (objeto único)
    • Data de publicação2017-02-16
    • Número de edição1
    • Largura (mm)1000
    • Material principalAço
    • Material secundárioLã mineral
    • Concebido emItaly
    • Fabricado emItaly
    • Categoria BIMobjectParedes - Painéis sanduíche
    • Classificação IFCParede
    • Nome UNSPSCWall finishing materials
    • Código UNSPSC301615