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    As tranças são os conectores finais do posto de gasolina de alta pressão. Eles abastecem a rede de gás conectando as caixas de válvulas com os cilindros em alta pressão.
    • - Simplified use --- Simply tighten/loosen by hand to replace cylinders ---Modifiable mounting direction, from the right or from the left - Compact --- Guaranteed safety --- Connected by hand, impossible to disconnect under pressure --- Pigtail sealed with the valve-box - Robustness --- Unbreakable connection with induction brazing --- Longer life (made of stainless steel) --- No damage to the connections on the cylinder side, thanks to tool-free connection - Pigtail --- Essential to the Danube gas station --- Safer supply to the network --- Tightened/loosened by hand, simple and no risk of damaging the connectors --- Greater modularity thanks to connection from the left or from the right Specifications - Available gases O2, Air, N2O, CO2 and N2 - Operating pressure Up to 200 bar - Inlet fi ttings NF and other standards - Weight 712.5 g - Materials 316 L stainless steel tube, brass fi ttings - Regulatory compliance Class lla medical device with CE 0459 marking, manufactured by Air Liquide Medical Systems S.A. ISO 21969 standard. Read the user manual carefully. - Life time 15 years
    Especificações técnicas
    • Ref.ª únicapigtail
    • Familia de productoMedical pipeline system
    • Grupo de produtosHigh Pressure Gas Station
    • TipoObject (objeto único)
    • Data de publicação2018-11-19
    • Número de edição1
    • Material principalAço inox
    • Material secundárioAço inox
    • Concebido emFrance
    • Fabricado emFrance
    • Peso líquido (Kg)712
    • Categoria BIMobjectProdutos médicos - All
    • Classificação IFCElemento do fluxo de distribuição
    • Nome UNSPSCGas regulators
    • Código UNSPSC40142201
    • Uniclass 2015 CódigoCo_55_20_50
    • Uniclass 2015 DescriçãoGas distribution complexes
    • Número OmniClass23-25 33 00
    • Título OmniclassMedical Gas Products
    • Código CSI UniFormat IID3040
    • Título CSI UniFormat IIDistribution Systems

    Disponibilidade da região
