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SEP4™ 4-in-1 Magnetic Hydraulic Separators (Flanged 2-14") - NA Market
SEP4™ 4-in-1 Magnetic Hydraulic Separators (Flanged 2-14") - NA Market

    SEP4™ 4-in-1 Magnetic Hydraulic Separators (Flanged 2-14") - NA Market

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    O separador combinado 4 em 1 Caleffi SEP4™ incorpora quatro

    funções importantes para sistemas hidrônicos: separação hidráulica, ar

    separação, separação de sujeira e separação de impurezas ferrosas.

    A geometria e o design exclusivos do separador fazem com que o conectado

    circuitos primário e secundário devem ser desacoplados hidraulicamente para evitar

    ocorra conflito na bomba. Um elemento de tela interno facilita a

    coalescência e captura de microbolhas para facilitar o alto desempenho

    remoção automática, ao mesmo tempo que causa a captura de metais não ferrosos

    partículas de detritos com tamanho de até 5 mícrons. Um poderoso campo magnético induzido

    por ímãs de neodímio de terras raras facilita a captura de metais ferrosos

    impurezas como o óxido de ferro até o tamanho microscópico, fornecendo assim

    2½ vezes o desempenho de remoção de impurezas ferrosas do ar padrão e

    separadores de sujeira.

    O SEP4 economiza nos custos de instalação e manutenção do sistema, pois quatro

    dispositivos são combinados em um. Além disso, todos os detritos capturados são explodidos

    para baixo através da válvula de purga sem precisar desligar o sistema

    • SEP4 5495 series with Flanged connections

      Combination hydraulic, air, dirt and magnetic separator. ANSI B16.5 CLASS 150 RF flanged connections 2", 2½", 3", and 4". Epoxy resin painted

      steel body with brass drywell for external removable neodymium rare-earth magnet, code F0000435 for 2", 2½", code 49684A for 3" to 4", included. 300

      series stainless steel internal coalescing mesh. Vessel working temperature range of 32–220°F (0–105°C) with insulation, 32–270°F (0–132°C) without

      insulation. Water or glycol solution to 50% maximum. Max. working pressure 150 psi (10 bar). Air separation efficiency: 100% removal to microbubble

      level. Particle separation capacity: μm (0.2 mil). Ferrous impurities separation efficiency: up to 100% removal. Supplied with: code 501502A automatic

      air vent with ¾" NPT female outlet connection and brass body VITON air vent seal and stainless steel air vent float. Code NA39589 brass body ¾" NPT

      female shut-off ball valve with T-handle for air vent. Code NA39753 lever-operated drain ball valve brass body with 1" NPT female connection. Rigid

      closed cell expanded polyurethane foam shell insulation with external embossed aluminum cover.

      SEP4 NA549_M series with Flanged connections
      Combination hydraulic, air, dirt and magnetic separator. ANSI B16.5 CLASS 150 RF flanged connections 2", 2½", 3", and 4". Epoxy resin painted
      steel body with brass drywell for external removable neodymium rare-earth magnet, code F0000435 for 2", 2½", code 49684A for 3" to 4", included. 300
      series stainless steel internal coalescing mesh. Vessel working temperature range of 32–220°F (0–105°C) with insulation, 32–270°F (0–132°C) without
      insulation. Water or glycol solution to 50% maximum. Max. working pressure 150 psi (10 bar). Air separation efficiency: 100% removal to microbubble
      level. Particle separation capacity: μm (0.2 mil). Ferrous impurities separation efficiency: up to 100% removal. Supplied with: code 501502A automatic
      air vent with ¾" NPT female outlet connection and brass body VITON air vent seal and stainless steel air vent float. Code NA39589 brass body ¾" NPT
      female shut-off ball valve with T-handle for air vent. Code NA39753 lever-operated drain ball valve brass body with 1" NPT female connection. Rigid
      closed cell expanded polyurethane foam shell insulation with external embossed aluminum cover. The separator is designed and built in accordance
      Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and tagged and registered with the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel
      Inspector, and CRN registered, and stamped for 150 psi (10 bar) working pressure, with ASME U stamp.

      SEP4 NA549_M series with Flanged connections
      Combination hydraulic, air, dirt and magnetic separator. ANSI B16.5 CLASS 150 RF flanged connections 5", 6", 8", 10",12" and 14". Epoxy resin painted
      steel body with brass drywell for external removable neodymium rare-earth magnet, (quantity one for 5" and 6" sizes-code 49684A, quantity three for
      8" - 14" sizes-code F0000349) included. 300 series stainless steel internal coalescing mesh. Vessel working temperature range of 32–220°F (0–105°C)
      with insulation, 32–270°F (0–132°C) without insulation. Water or glycol solution to 50% maximum. Max. working pressure 150 psi (10 bar). Air separation
      efficiency: 100% removal to microbubble level. Particle separation capacity: μm (0.2 mil). Ferrous impurities separation efficiency: up to 100% removal.
      Supplied with: code 501502A automatic air vent with ¾" NPT female outlet connection and brass body VITON air vent seal and stainless steel air vent
      float. Code NA39589 brass body ¾" NPT female shut-off ball valve with T-handle for air vent. Lever-operated drain ball valve brass body with 1¼" NPT
      female connection for separator sizes 5" and 6"- code NA39588; 2" NPT female connection for separator sizes 8" - 14", code NA59600. For separator
      size 8" - 14" only thermometer pocket well on front center ¾" NPT female; and on inlet/outlet flanges ½" NPT female. The separator is designed and
      built in accordance Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and tagged and registered with the National Board of Boiler
      and Pressure Vessel Inspector, and CRN registered (size 14" pending, contact Caleffi), and stamped for 150 psi (10 bar) working pressure, with ASME
      U stamp.

    Especificação técnica
    • Ref. únicaSEP4Flanged
    • Família de produtoHVAC
    • Grupo de produtosNorth America
    • Data de publicação2023-11-28
    • Número da edição1
    • Material principalAço
    • Categoria BIMobjectAVAC - Outros

    Disponibilidade regional

    América do Norte
    United States