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Wooden Outdoor Gym Small Package
Wooden Outdoor Gym Small Package
Wooden Outdoor Gym Small Package
Wooden Outdoor Gym Small Package
Wooden Outdoor Gym Small Package

    Wooden Outdoor Gym Small Package

    Outdoor gym, Small package, provides the exerciser with the opportunity to perform basic exercises that stimulate a larger part of the body's musculature.

    The small package consists of 3 training equipments:

    T.9 Squat
    T.11 Rowing
    T.16-2TG Bench press

    Outdoor gym in wood blends nicely into nature and is an excellent complement in connection with running loops or other activity areas. Utform's outdoor gym in wood is manufactured in environmentally friendly larch or pressure-treated wood that can withstand standing outdoors year after year.


    • The Outdoor Gym Small package provides the exerciser with the opportunity to perform basic exercises that stimulate a large part of the body's musculature.

      The Small package consists of 3 pieces of exercise equipment:

      T.9 SquatsT.11 RowingT.16-2TG Bench press

      The equipment is also available as accessibility-adapted.

    Specyfikacja techniczna
    • Nr referencyjnywooden-outdoor-gym-small-package
    • Rodzina produktuOutdoor activities
    • Grupa produktuOutdoor gym
    • TypObiekt (jeden obiekt)
    • Data publikacji2024-01-18
    • Numer edycji1
    Dodatkowe informacje
    • Materiał głównyDrewno
    • Materiał dodatkowyDrewno
    • Kategoria BIMobjectSport i rekreacja - Wyposażenie siłowni na wolnym powietrzu

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