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WayGlo LED Night Light

WayGlo LED Night Light

The Chloride WayGlo is a LED Night Light that provides a smooth pattern of light at the floor plane. It is available in two different faceplate designs with versions for both vertical and horizontal junction box orientations. WayGlo’s versatility makes it a suitable selection for additional applications such as task lighting at a counter or corridor and stair illumination. The LED source insures limited maintenance and low energy consumption. WayGlo is rated for wet location environments.
Specyfikacja techniczna
  • Nr referencyjnyWayGlo_LED_Night_Light
  • Rodzina produktuChloride
  • Grupa produktuIndoor luminaires - Exit emergency
  • TypObiekt (jeden obiekt)
  • Data publikacji2022-09-12
  • Numer edycji1
  • Kategoria BIMobjectOświetlenie - Oświetlenie awaryjne
  • Klasyfikacja IFCUmocowanie światła

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