Constructed entirely of aluminum, Salsbury aluminum locker benches combine a traditional look with strength and durability and are an excellent addition to industrial, office or recreational locker room facilities. The anodized aluminum seating area is 1-3/4" thick and features rounded edges for comfortable seating. Aluminum locker benches are available in six (6) lengths ranging from 36'' to 96'' in one foot increments and are easily assembled. Each bench is 18'' H x 10'' D and includes two (2) 3'' diameter bolt mounted pedestals with four (4) mounting holes to secure to the ground. Pedestals feature a durable powder coated aluminum finish. Minor assembly is required.
Dostępny w krajach:
Ameryka północna |
Anguilla |
Antigua i Barbuda |
Aruba |
Bahamy |
Barbados |
Belize |
Bermudy |
Brytyjskie Wyspy Dziewicze |
Curaçao |
Dominika |
Dominikana |
Grenada |
Grenlandia |
Gwadelupa |
Gwatemala |
Haiti |
Holandia Karaibska |
Honduras |
Jamajka |
Kajmany |
Kanada |
Kostaryka |
Kuba |
Martynika |
Meksyk |
Montserrat |
Nikaragua |
Panama |
Portoryko |
Saint Kitts i Nevis |
Saint Lucia |
Saint Martin |
Saint Vincent i Grenadyny |
Salwador |
Sint Maarten |
Stany Zjednoczone |
Trynidad i Tobago |
Turks i Caicos |
Wspólnota Saint-Barthélemy |
Wspólnota Terytorialna Saint Pierre i Miquelon |
Wyspy Dziewicze |