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Ruskin Aluminum Stationary Sightproof Louver ELF22V

Ruskin Aluminum Stationary Sightproof Louver ELF22V

The ELF22V Aluminum Stationary Louver is a 2" deep stationary louver which has a 60 degree blade angle. It features:

• Sightproof chevron blades which provide privacy, conceal equipment, prevent vandalism, and act as a safety barrier to dangerous areas.
• 28% free area.
• Corrosion resistant, all aluminum construction.
• Outstanding durability and low maintenance.
  • The ELF22V Aluminum Stationary Louver is a 2" deep stationary louver which has a 60 degree blade angle. It features:

    • Sightproof chevron blades which provide privacy, conceal equipment, prevent vandalism, and act as a safety barrier to dangerous areas
    • 28% free area
    • Corrosion resistant, all aluminum construction
    • Outstanding durability and low maintenance

Specyfikacja techniczna
  • Nr referencyjnyrd-88
  • Rodzina produktuFixed Exterior Louvers and Grilles
  • Grupa produktuSightproof Louvers
  • TypObiekt (jeden obiekt)
  • Data publikacji2009-09-09
  • Numer edycji1
  • Kategoria BIMobjectDrzwi - Żaluzje

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