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CDRS25 Round Commercial Control Damper

CDRS25 Round Commercial Control Damper

The CDRS25 commercial control butterfly damper installs easily in round spiral ductwork. It features:
  • Galvanized steel construction.
  • A leakage rating of .15 scfm per inch of perimeter at 4" w.g.
  • Pressure differentials up to 6" w.g.
  • Specially designed blade-to-frame foam seal that fully encompasses the blade edge.
  • The CDRS25 is an ultra low leak “true” round control damper that easily installs in round spiral ductwork. The ultra low leak feature is a result of the specially designed blade-to-frame neoprene seal sandwiched between two round blades and fully encompassing the blade edge.

Specyfikacja techniczna
  • Nr referencyjnyrd-00317-012
  • Rodzina produktuFire Dampers
  • Grupa produktuCommercial Control Dampers
  • TypObiekt (jeden obiekt)
  • Data publikacji2009-09-09
  • Numer edycji1
  • Kategoria BIMobjectOchrona przeciwpożarowa - Zabezpieczenia przeciwpożarowe

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