The MEGAPHOENIX is a multi-purpose ventilator for rainproof ventilation. A PHOENIX serves as the base of the unit, which is then equipped with an adapted frame structure, which has longitudinal opening flaps. This enables a rainproof air exchange which is completely natural and weather-independent. This is because the longitudinal opening flaps open as soon as the top-side hoods close in the event of rain. This is a real plus, especially for operations that create a high level of humidity. For such applications, a permanent air exchange must be ensured, even in bad weather conditions. The release mechanism in the event of a fire is the same as that of the PHOENIX.
Dostępny w krajach:
Europa |
Albania |
Andora |
Austria |
Belgia |
Białoruś |
Bośnia i Hercegowina |
Bułgaria |
Chorwacja |
Cypr |
Czarnogóra |
Czechy |
Dania |
Estonia |
Finlandia |
Francja |
Gibraltar |
Grecja |
Guernsey |
Hiszpania |
Holandia |
Irlandia |
Islandia |
Jersey |
Liechtenstein |
Litwa |
Łotwa |
Luksemburg |
Macedonia Pólnocna |
Malta |
Man |
Mołdawia |
Monako |
Niemcy |
Norwegia |
Polska |
Portugalia |
Rosja |
Rumunia |
San Marino |
Serbia |
Słowacja |
Słowenia |
Svalbard |
Szwajcaria |
Szwecja |
Ukraina |
Watykan |
Węgry |
Wielka Brytania |
Włochy |
Wyspy Alandzkie |
Wyspy Owcze |