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Pillow Block Support
Pillow Block Support
Pillow Block Support

    Pillow Block Support

    MIRO Pillow Block supports are an easy-to-install and low-cost solution to many of your basic rooftop support needs. The various models can support gas lines, electrical conduit, solar lines, and just about any other small mechanical piping. The load-dispersing foot design can be used in conjunction with a spacer to add additional height if required, or can be used on its own without risk of compromising the roof membrane. All Pillow Block supports are made of 100% UV-stable polycarbonate, which will not dry out or crumble over time like foam or rubber rooftop support blocks.

    Installation is simple. Just place them below the pipe at the recommended spacing intervals, add a spacer or support pad if required, and you’re done.

    • A pipe support used to support roof-mounted gas pipes, electrical conduit, solar piping and other mechanical piping. Pipes rest in a ‘U’ shaped cradle situated in a polycarbonate resin seat. 

    Specyfikacja techniczna
    • Nr referencyjnypillow-block-support
    • Rodzina produktuPipe Supports
    • Grupa produktuPillow Block Supports
    • TypObiekt (jeden obiekt)
    • Data publikacji2022-05-26
    • Numer edycji1
    Dodatkowe informacje
    • Materiał głównyPoliwęglan
    • Zaprojektowano wStany Zjednoczone
    • Wyprodukowano wStany Zjednoczone
    • Kategoria BIMobjectKonstrukcje - Akcesoria do dachów
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code07 72 00
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 TitleRoof Accessories

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