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MI-200 Electronic Trap Seal Primer with Air Gap, Solenoid Valve and Manifold

MI-200 Electronic Trap Seal Primer with Air Gap, Solenoid Valve and Manifold

The MI-200 is engineered to connect to the voltage building energy management system used to manage the services in commercial, educational and institutional buildings. It can be located anywhere in the water supply. A manifold is provided as part of the assembly so that up to 5 drains can be served. The MI-200 is practical for infrequently used buildings such as convention centers and sports facilities. The MI-200 is manufactured in accordance with ANSI/ASME A112.1.2 air gap in plumbing systems Standard. UA1818 access door is suggested for access to the MI-200 when installed into the wall. NOTE: Timer not included.
  • SKUs: MI-200-500-24VDC, MI-200-625-VDC, MI-200-500-120VAC, MI-200-625-120VAC, MI-200-500-220VAC, MI-200-625-220VAC
Specyfikacja techniczna
  • Nr referencyjnymi-200-120-vac-electronic-trap-seal-primer
  • Rodzina produktuTrap Seal Primers
  • Grupa produktuElectronic
  • TypDokumentacja (tylko informacje)
  • Data publikacji2021-02-26
  • Numer edycji1
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Zaprojektowano wStany Zjednoczone
  • Wyprodukowano wStany Zjednoczone
  • Kategoria BIMobjectHydraulika - Drenaż
  • UNSPSC nameValves
  • UNSPSC code401416
  • Uniclass 2015 CodePr_65_55_84_94
  • Uniclass 2015 DescriptionVacuum breakers
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code40 05 67.23
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 TitlePressure Vacuum Breaker Backflow Preventers
  • OmniClass Number23-27 31 00
  • OmniClass TitleValves

Dostępny w krajach:

Ameryka północna
Stany Zjednoczone