The HOLBY TEMPERING VALVE is rugged, constructed entirely of bronze and copper and hydrostatically tested to a pressure of 300 psig. It has the following features:
1. A long mixing chamber with vanes at an angle to the longitudinal axis of the valve which provides thorough mixing of the hot and cold water.
2. The thermostatic element is placed inside the body of the valve where the hot and cold water mix. It is immediately sensitive to any change in water temperature and makes proper corrections by opening or closing the hot and cold water inlets in the valve.
3. A long thermostatic element provides fifteen to twenty times the number of corrugations found in the usual short thermostat. Thus, the total expansion is divided over these numerous corrugations, so that the flexing of each is reduced to mere thousandths of an inch resulting in long life of the instrument.
4. The action of the thermostatic element moves a piston over the hot and cold water openings, opening the cold as it reduces the opening of the hot, thus uniformly blending the hot and cold water, producing an even temperature of the delivered water without any change in volume. This action eliminates the building up of temperature in circulating systems at times when little or no hot water is being used.
5. Large hot and cold water passages result in very low pressure drop through the valve.
6. Complies with ASSE Standard #1017-2009.