Model 345 is an adjustable nursing table with a stable design. The surface of the nursing table is a waterproof laminate with a ABS-plastic edge. There is free space under the nursing table for patient lift.
Functions and Advantages- Mattress
- Hand control with flexible cable
- 4 x Folding gates with locking function
- Battery operation
Dostępny w krajach:
Europa |
Andora |
Austria |
Belgia |
Cypr |
Czechy |
Dania |
Estonia |
Finlandia |
Francja |
Hiszpania |
Holandia |
Irlandia |
Islandia |
Liechtenstein |
Litwa |
Łotwa |
Luksemburg |
Malta |
Monako |
Niemcy |
Norwegia |
Polska |
Portugalia |
San Marino |
Szwajcaria |
Watykan |
Wielka Brytania |