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FLW24 Louvre Window
FLW24 Louvre Window
FLW24 Louvre Window

    FLW24 Louvre Window

    The FLW24/28 is our entry level system which comes with a range of advantages, suitable for applications where economy is of importance. Still boasting good comparative specifications with the general market, and robust double-glazing or aluminium panels, the FLW24/28 offers all the advantages of a louvre window including good sound and thermal insulation. The FLW24/28 is ideal for use in buildings that must be planned for reliability and economy. Our dedicated teams of engineers and designers are always on hand to discuss any elements of your projects and find the best solution to suit your requirements.

    # Louvre Window # Window # Curtain Wall # Fire Fighting # Ventilation System # Smart Natural Ventilation # Space efficient # Actuators # AOV # Automatic Opening Ventilation # NSHEV # Natural smoke and heat extraction vent # EN12101-2 # smoke vent # motorized # electric # manuell # pneumatic # anti-trap function # energy efficient #Fail-Safe # low-maintenance

    • It is available with manual, electric and pneumatic drives. The FLW 24/28 is available with a wide variety of fixing adapters, including 17x28mm and 25x28mm integral glazing adapters, masonry frame adapters, angle flange frames and bespoke glazing adapters to suit a wide variety of applications.


      Natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilator (NSHEV), smoke extraction from lift shafts.


      Louvre blades close flush with the external vent frame. Louvre blades are centrally mounted. Glass louvres fully framed. Thermally separated aluminium profiles.


      Double-glazed or insulated aluminium panel with a total glass thickness of 24 to 28 mm. Dry glazing.

    Specyfikacja techniczna
    • Nr referencyjnyFLW24LouvreWindow
    • TypDigital Twin (Building)
    • Data publikacji2023-10-11
    • Numer edycji1
    Dodatkowe informacje
    • Materiał głównyAluminium
    • Materiał dodatkowySzkło
    • Kategoria BIMobjectOkna - Louvre window
    • Klasyfikacja IFCŒciany kurtynowe
    • Kod ETIMEC011406
    • Nazwa ETIMFaçade louver
    • Uniclass 2015 CodePr_30_59_98_34
    • Uniclass 2015 DescriptionGlass louvre window units
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code08 91 13
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 TitleMotorized Wall Louvers
    • OmniClass Number23-33 29 33
    • OmniClass TitleMovable Blade Wall Louvers