The Tourlock 180 security revolving door is the ideal solution when you need to solve the combination of high security and high traffic flow. By offering various operating functions, ranging from standard "revolving-mode" up to "high-security mode", the Tourlock 180 delivers a flexible entrance that can be adapted to the changing demands within a 24-hour operation cycle. The door easily integrates with an access control system, and due to its four-wing design and working principle, prevents unauthorised entry into facilities, therefore protecting people and assets.
Tourlock 180 - The High Security Revolving Door
This technologically advanced door allows bi-directional traffic, which allows authorised users to enter and leave a building at the same time. Authorisation via a signal from an access solution control system, such as a card reader or biometrics device, sends a signal and on acceptance only – the door will begin to rotate. This high security door is so reliable at preventing tailgating and piggybacking that it does not even require guard supervision - creating a return on investment in a short one to two years.
Dostępny w krajach:
Azja | Europa | Oceania | Afryka |
Afganistan | Albania | Australia | Algieria |
Arabia Saudyjska | Austria | Dalekie Wyspy Mniejsze Stanów Zjednoczonych | Egipt |
Armenia | Belgia | Fidżi | Maroko |
Azerbejdżan | Białoruś | Guam | Tunezja |
Bangladesz | Bośnia i Hercegowina | Kiribati | |
Bhutan | Bułgaria | Mariany Północne | |
Brunei Darussalam | Chorwacja | Mikronezja | |
Chiny | Cypr | Nauru | |
Filipiny | Czarnogóra | Niue | |
Gruzja | Czechy | Norfolk | |
Indie | Dania | Nowa Kaledonia | |
Indonezja | Estonia | Nowa Zelandia | |
Irak | Finlandia | Palau | |
Iran | Francja | Papua-Nowa Gwinea | |
Izrael | Grecja | Pitcairn | |
Japonia | Hiszpania | Polinezja Francuska | |
Jemen | Holandia | Samoa | |
Jordania | Irlandia | Samoa Amerykańskie | |
Kambodża | Islandia | Timor Wschodni | |
Katar | Litwa | Tokelau | |
Kazachstan | Łotwa | Tonga | |
Kirgistan | Luksemburg | Tuvalu | |
Korea Północna | Macedonia Pólnocna | Vanuatu | |
Korea Południowa | Mołdawia | Wallis i Futuna | |
Kuwejt | Niemcy | Wyspy Cooka | |
Laos | Norwegia | Wyspy Marshalla | |
Liban | Polska | Wyspy Salomona | |
Malezja | Portugalia | ||
Mongolia | Rosja | ||
Myanmar (Birma) | Rumunia | ||
Nepal | Serbia | ||
Oman | Słowacja | ||
Pakistan | Słowenia | ||
Palestyna | Svalbard | ||
Sri Lanka | Szwajcaria | ||
Syria | Szwecja | ||
Tadżykistan | Ukraina | ||
Tajlandia | Węgry | ||
Tajwan | Wielka Brytania | ||
Turcja | Włochy | ||
Turkmenistan | |||
Uzbekistan | |||
Wietnam | |||
Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie |