BA-WTFD Watertight Floor Hatch Cast in Place 300lb/sqft
Enhance your building's utility access points by installing BA-WTFD Watertight Floor Hatch Cast in Place 300lb/ sq.ft by Best Access Doors! This premium floor door provides safe and secure access to mechanical equipment, electrical systems, crawl spaces, plumbing or HVAC components, and much more!
With anchors welded around the BA-WTFD frame, installations are simplified with the ability to cast it within concrete and other surfaces in commercial, residential, and industrial settings.
Best Access Doors has designed this aluminum floor panel for a flush installation so you can maintain a smooth and uninterrupted floor surface, minimizing potential snags and trips. This flood-tight floor door features a 1-½" drainage coupling channel to siphon excess water and grime away from your spaces below ground.
BA-WTFD utilizes angled diamond plating for added grip, boasting a live load of up to 300 pounds per square foot and heavy traffic. BA-WTFD's red vinyl grip allows a full 90-degree extension opening with an automatic hold-open arm for maximum convenience!
Why Choose WTFD?:
Best Access Doors
We are looking forward to supplying your building project!
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