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SC-TC-SM N-Series Touchscreen Surface Mount Controller with Adapter Ring

SC-TC-SM N-Series Touchscreen Surface Mount Controller with Adapter Ring

Wall Controllers are stand-alone, dual-gang IP controllers that send commands to multiple IP clients with the push of a button. N-Series Controllers have nine programmable tactile buttons with a 240 x 320 display. Programming is done individually through the built-in web-server or collectively to multiple units using N-Command Control Appliances. Multi-page custom graphics can be created using Panel Builder software, stored internally, and launched at start-up or at the push of a button. The SC-TC-D comes with a capacitive touch display and built-in WiFi and Bluetooth for expanding control to mobile devices.


  • Cost Effective - Low cost of installation
  • Multiple Commands - Sent to multiple TCP/IP clients
  • PoE - Robust Power over Ethernet (PoE) reliability and redundancy
  • Energy Efficient - Standard PoE consumption
  • EU Compliance - Supports both US and European wiring standards

Keywords: Harman

Specyfikacja techniczna
  • Nr referencyjnyamx-00184
  • Rodzina produktuElectrical
  • Grupa produktuGeneral Purpose Controls
  • TypObiekt (jeden obiekt)
  • Data publikacji2016-09-16
  • Numer edycji1
  • Kategoria BIMobjectElektryka - Kontrola dostępu
  • Klasyfikacja IFCRozdzielanie elektryczności

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