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Anchored ActionCush II Plus

Anchored ActionCush II Plus

This newly designed floor system, combining our 7/16" natural rubber pads attached to our ActionCush sleepers with thrust pins anchoring the sleeper to the concrete slab, and combining a layer of plywood for dimensional stability and strength, creates a floor system that is highly resilient, will have uniform playability and consistent shock absorption to reduce injuries to athletes.
  • Suitable for gymnasiums, multipurpose, indoor running, dance floors and aerobics.
This floor system combines our 7/16"(11mm) natural rubber pads attached to our ActionCush sleepers with thrust pins anchoring the sleeper to the concrete slab. Combining a layer of plywood for dimensional stability and strength creates a floor system that is highly resilient, with uniform playability and consistent shock absorption to reduce injuries to athletes. The Anchored ActionCush II Plus system is suitable for gymnasiums, multipurpose, indoor running, dance floors and aerobics.
Specyfikacja techniczna
  • Nr referencyjnyaf-026
  • Rodzina produktuFlooring
  • Grupa produktuWood Athletic Flooring
  • TypObiekt (jeden obiekt)
  • Data publikacji2011-01-24
  • Numer edycji1
  • Kategoria BIMobjectPodłogi - Drewniana podłoga

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