Decorative Fabric Wrapped Custom Acoustical Wall Panels
Product Features:
6 lb. density glass fiber with woven fabric and microperforated vinyl facings.
Flat-faced with square or radiused corners, beveled, radiused, or mitered edges.
Custom designed and manufactured to meet every need. Flat or curved panels. Soft or hard edges.
Offices, schools, meeting rooms, music rooms, hotels, auditoriums, recording studios, broadcasting studios. Any space where speech privacy or speech intelligibility is important.
1", 1-1/8", 2", 2-1/8".
Custom up to 4' X 10'.
A wide range of standard colors; custom colors for woven fabrics and perforated vinyl.
ASTM E-84, Class A. - Flame Spread: 15; Smoke Developed: 40.
Adhesive, hook & loop fasteners, mechanical clips, impaling clips, magnetic clips, splines.
Dostępny w krajach:
Ameryka północna |
Anguilla |
Antigua i Barbuda |
Aruba |
Bahamy |
Barbados |
Belize |
Bermudy |
Brytyjskie Wyspy Dziewicze |
Curaçao |
Dominika |
Dominikana |
Grenada |
Grenlandia |
Gwadelupa |
Gwatemala |
Haiti |
Holandia Karaibska |
Honduras |
Jamajka |
Kajmany |
Kanada |
Kostaryka |
Kuba |
Martynika |
Meksyk |
Montserrat |
Nikaragua |
Panama |
Portoryko |
Saint Kitts i Nevis |
Saint Lucia |
Saint Martin |
Saint Vincent i Grenadyny |
Salwador |
Sint Maarten |
Stany Zjednoczone |
Trynidad i Tobago |
Turks i Caicos |
Wspólnota Saint-Barthélemy |
Wspólnota Terytorialna Saint Pierre i Miquelon |
Wyspy Dziewicze |