With a smart and flexible folding wall, the oversized assembly hall, training room or conference room is transformed into smaller units adapted for the purpose. Make the most of every precious square metre with a folding wall solution from Winab.
Folding walls give you the space you need now
The folding wall is the optimal choice for local users with high demands on flexibility. In environments where the need for space often varies, the folding wall is a quick and efficient solution. The examples are numerous.
More than just a wall
With creative ideas, the flat surface of a closed wall can also give the room colour and character. The wall panels can also be used as whiteboard, projector wall or as temporary bulletin board.
To increase the openness of the floor plan, wall sections can also be given doors and window openings positioned to suit the floor plan of the room.
Tilgjengelighet etter region
Europa | Asia | Nord Amerika | Afrika | Sør Amerika | Oceania |
Åland | Afghanistan | Anguilla | Algerie | Argentina | Amerikansk Samoa |
Albania | Armenia | Antigua og Barbuda | Angola | Bolivia | Australia |
Andorra | Aserbajdsjan | Aruba | Benin | Brasil | Cookøyene |
Belgia | Bahrain | Bahamas | Botswana | Chile | Fiji |
Bosnia-Hercegovina | Bangladesh | Barbados | Burkina Faso | Colombia | Fransk Polynesia |
Bulgaria | Bhutan | Belize | Burundi | Ecuador | Guam |
Danmark | Brunei | Bermuda | Den demokratiske republikken Kongo | Falklandsøyene (Malvinas) | Kiribati |
Estland | Christmas Island | Canada | Den sentralafrikanske republikk | Fransk Guyana | Marshalløyene |
Færøyene | De forente arabiske emirater | Cayman Islands | Djibouti | Guyana | Mikronesiaføderasjonen |
Finland | Det britiske territoriet i Indiahavet | Costa Rica | Egypt | Paraguay | Nauru |
Frankrike | Filippinene | Cuba | Ekvatorial-Guinea | Peru | New Zealand |
Gibraltar | Georgia | Curaçao | Elfenbenskysten | Surinam | Niue |
Guernsey | Hongkong | Den dominikanske republikk | Eritrea | Uruguay | Nord-Marianene |
Hellas | India | Dominica | Eswatini | Venezuela | Norfolkøyene |
Hviterussland | Indonesia | El Salvador | Etiopia | Ny-Caledonia | |
Irland | Irak | Grenada | Gabon | Øst-Timor | |
Island | Iran | Guadeloupe | Gambia | Palau | |
Isle of Man | Israel | Guatemala | Ghana | Papua Ny-Guinea | |
Italia | Japan | Haiti | Guinea | Pitcairn | |
Jersey | Jemen | Honduras | Guinea-Bissau | Salomonøyene | |
Kroatia | Jordan | Jamaica | Kamerun | Samoa | |
Kypros | Kambodsja | Jomfruøyene | Kapp Verde | Tokelau | |
Latvia | Kasakhstan | Jomfruøyene | Kenya | Tonga | |
Liechtenstein | Kina | Karibisk Nederland | Komorene | Tuvalu | |
Litauen | Kirgisistan | Martinique | Kongo | United States Minor Outlying Islands | |
Luxemburg | Kokosøyene | Mexico | Lesotho | Vanuatu | |
Malta | Kuwait | Montserrat | Liberia | Wallis og Futuna | |
Moldova | Laos | Nicaragua | Libya | ||
Monaco | Libanon | Panama | Madagaskar | ||
Montenegro | Macao | Puerto Rico | Malawi | ||
Nederland | Malaysia | Saint Kitts og Nevis | Mali | ||
Nord-Makedonia | Maldivene | Saint Lucia | Marokko | ||
Norge | Mongolia | Saint Pierre og Miquelon | Mauritania | ||
Østerrike | Myanmar (Burma) | Saint Vincent og Grenadinene | Mauritius | ||
Polen | Nepal | Saint-Barthélemy | Mayotte | ||
Portugal | Nord-Korea | Saint-Martin | Mosambik | ||
Romania | Oman | Sint Maarten | Namibia | ||
Russland | Pakistan | Trinidad og Tobago | Niger | ||
San Marino | Palestina | Turks- og Caicosøyene | Nigeria | ||
Serbia | Qatar | USA | Réunion | ||
Slovakia | Saudi-Arabia | Rwanda | |||
Slovenia | Singapore | Sankt Helena | |||
Spania | Sør-Korea | São Tomé og Príncipe | |||
Storbritannia | Sri Lanka | Senegal | |||
Svalbard og Jan Mayen | Syria | Seychellene | |||
Sveits | Tadsjikistan | Sierra Leone | |||
Sverige | Taiwan | Somalia | |||
Tsjekkia | Thailand | Sør-Afrika | |||
Tyskland | Turkmenistan | Sør-Sudan | |||
Ukraina | Tyrkia | Sudan | |||
Ungarn | Usbekistan | Tanzania | |||
Vatikanstaten | Vietnam | Togo | |||
Tsjad | |||||
Tunisia | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Vest-Sahara | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe |