VitrA’s new tile system Resincrete is designed to stimulate emotions in living spaces by using colours, which are the most powerful form of self-expression, and to draw forth bursts of creativity. The texture of concrete blends with resin in a myriad of colour and surface options in Resincrete, designed for urban living spaces at the intersection of nature's colours with concrete, the basic element of modern urban architecture. Resincrete Tiles are designed using the powerful colours and oxides found in soil and nature, featuring surfaces that have epoxy-like casting, combining easily with the classical beauty of terrazzo and palladiano textures to create striking living spaces.
Tilgjengelighet etter region
Europa | Asia | Nord Amerika | Afrika | Sør Amerika |
Åland | Afghanistan | Anguilla | Algerie | Argentina |
Albania | Armenia | Antigua og Barbuda | Angola | Bolivia |
Andorra | Aserbajdsjan | Aruba | Benin | Brasil |
Belgia | Bahrain | Bahamas | Botswana | Chile |
Bosnia-Hercegovina | Bangladesh | Barbados | Burkina Faso | Colombia |
Bulgaria | Bhutan | Belize | Burundi | Ecuador |
Danmark | Brunei | Bermuda | Den demokratiske republikken Kongo | Falklandsøyene (Malvinas) |
Estland | Christmas Island | Canada | Den sentralafrikanske republikk | Fransk Guyana |
Færøyene | De forente arabiske emirater | Cayman Islands | Djibouti | Guyana |
Finland | Det britiske territoriet i Indiahavet | Costa Rica | Egypt | Paraguay |
Frankrike | Filippinene | Cuba | Ekvatorial-Guinea | Peru |
Gibraltar | Georgia | Curaçao | Elfenbenskysten | Surinam |
Guernsey | Hongkong | Den dominikanske republikk | Eritrea | Uruguay |
Hellas | India | Dominica | Eswatini | Venezuela |
Hviterussland | Indonesia | El Salvador | Etiopia | |
Irland | Irak | Grenada | Gabon | |
Island | Iran | Grønland | Gambia | |
Isle of Man | Israel | Guadeloupe | Ghana | |
Italia | Japan | Guatemala | Guinea | |
Jersey | Jemen | Haiti | Guinea-Bissau | |
Kroatia | Jordan | Honduras | Kamerun | |
Kypros | Kambodsja | Jamaica | Kapp Verde | |
Latvia | Kasakhstan | Jomfruøyene | Kenya | |
Liechtenstein | Kina | Jomfruøyene | Komorene | |
Litauen | Kirgisistan | Karibisk Nederland | Kongo | |
Luxemburg | Kokosøyene | Martinique | Lesotho | |
Malta | Kuwait | Mexico | Liberia | |
Moldova | Laos | Montserrat | Libya | |
Monaco | Libanon | Nicaragua | Madagaskar | |
Montenegro | Macao | Panama | Malawi | |
Nederland | Malaysia | Puerto Rico | Mali | |
Nord-Makedonia | Maldivene | Saint Kitts og Nevis | Marokko | |
Norge | Mongolia | Saint Lucia | Mauritania | |
Østerrike | Myanmar (Burma) | Saint Pierre og Miquelon | Mauritius | |
Polen | Nepal | Saint Vincent og Grenadinene | Mayotte | |
Portugal | Nord-Korea | Saint-Barthélemy | Mosambik | |
Romania | Oman | Saint-Martin | Namibia | |
Russland | Pakistan | Sint Maarten | Niger | |
San Marino | Palestina | Trinidad og Tobago | Nigeria | |
Serbia | Qatar | Turks- og Caicosøyene | Réunion | |
Slovakia | Saudi-Arabia | USA | Rwanda | |
Slovenia | Singapore | Sankt Helena | ||
Spania | Sør-Korea | São Tomé og Príncipe | ||
Storbritannia | Sri Lanka | Senegal | ||
Svalbard og Jan Mayen | Syria | Seychellene | ||
Sveits | Tadsjikistan | Sierra Leone | ||
Sverige | Taiwan | Somalia | ||
Tsjekkia | Thailand | Sør-Afrika | ||
Tyskland | Turkmenistan | Sør-Sudan | ||
Ukraina | Tyrkia | Sudan | ||
Ungarn | Usbekistan | Tanzania | ||
Vatikanstaten | Vietnam | Togo | ||
Tsjad | ||||
Tunisia | ||||
Uganda | ||||
Vest-Sahara | ||||
Zambia | ||||
Zimbabwe |