Dry Barrel Fire hydrants are manufactured in strict accordance with the AWWA C502 standard; Wet Barrel Fire Hydrants are in accordance with the AWWA C503 standard. The United Model F-06 "Fire-Flo" Dry Barrel Fire Hydrant is fully compatible with the industry leading fire hydrant; all parts, kits, and tools are interchangeable, allowing the end user to standardize on inventories and operator training. The F-06 has many years of field proven service.
The F-06 is UL Listed / FM Approved and is rated at 250 psi water working pressure. All bury depths are in stock for immediate shipment, in either open left or open right configuration. Fire hydrant parts, tools, and kits are also shipped from stock.
Specify the United F-06 "Fire-Flo" AWWA Fire Hydrant on your next project.
Model F-06
Dry Barrel Fire Hydrant (FIREFLO C502)
Model F-06-M
Dry Barrel Fire Hydrant with Monitor Flange
1. 250 PSI Operating Pressure
2. 500 PSI Test Pressure
3. 5 ¼” Design provides Maximum Efficient Flow.
4. Forced Lubrication System eases Lifetime Operation.
5. Hose and Pumper Nozzles are threaded and field replaceable.
6. Convenient to use Traffic Replacement Kit available
7. All buried bolts are 304 stainless steel.
8. Fushion bonded epoxy coated seat, sealing “O”-ring surfaces
9. Elbow and Drain Ring Housing are Fushion Bonded Epoxy Coated for Superior Corrosion Protection per AWWA C550.
Tilgjengelighet etter region
Europa | Asia | Nord Amerika | Afrika | Sør Amerika | Oceania |
Åland | Afghanistan | Anguilla | Algerie | Argentina | Amerikansk Samoa |
Albania | Armenia | Antigua og Barbuda | Angola | Bolivia | Australia |
Andorra | Aserbajdsjan | Aruba | Benin | Brasil | Cookøyene |
Belgia | Bahrain | Bahamas | Botswana | Chile | Fiji |
Bosnia-Hercegovina | Bangladesh | Barbados | Burkina Faso | Colombia | Fransk Polynesia |
Bulgaria | Bhutan | Belize | Burundi | Ecuador | Guam |
Danmark | Brunei | Bermuda | Den demokratiske republikken Kongo | Falklandsøyene (Malvinas) | Kiribati |
Estland | Christmas Island | Canada | Den sentralafrikanske republikk | Fransk Guyana | Marshalløyene |
Færøyene | De forente arabiske emirater | Cayman Islands | Djibouti | Guyana | Mikronesiaføderasjonen |
Finland | Det britiske territoriet i Indiahavet | Costa Rica | Egypt | Paraguay | Nauru |
Frankrike | Filippinene | Cuba | Ekvatorial-Guinea | Peru | New Zealand |
Gibraltar | Georgia | Curaçao | Elfenbenskysten | Surinam | Niue |
Guernsey | Hongkong | Den dominikanske republikk | Eritrea | Uruguay | Nord-Marianene |
Hellas | India | Dominica | Eswatini | Venezuela | Norfolkøyene |
Hviterussland | Indonesia | El Salvador | Etiopia | Ny-Caledonia | |
Irland | Irak | Grenada | Gabon | Øst-Timor | |
Island | Iran | Grønland | Gambia | Palau | |
Isle of Man | Israel | Guadeloupe | Ghana | Papua Ny-Guinea | |
Italia | Japan | Guatemala | Guinea | Pitcairn | |
Jersey | Jemen | Haiti | Guinea-Bissau | Salomonøyene | |
Kroatia | Jordan | Honduras | Kamerun | Samoa | |
Kypros | Kambodsja | Jamaica | Kapp Verde | Tokelau | |
Latvia | Kasakhstan | Jomfruøyene | Kenya | Tonga | |
Liechtenstein | Kina | Jomfruøyene | Komorene | Tuvalu | |
Litauen | Kirgisistan | Karibisk Nederland | Kongo | United States Minor Outlying Islands | |
Luxemburg | Kokosøyene | Martinique | Lesotho | Vanuatu | |
Malta | Kuwait | Mexico | Liberia | Wallis og Futuna | |
Moldova | Laos | Montserrat | Libya | ||
Monaco | Libanon | Nicaragua | Madagaskar | ||
Montenegro | Macao | Panama | Malawi | ||
Nederland | Malaysia | Puerto Rico | Mali | ||
Nord-Makedonia | Maldivene | Saint Kitts og Nevis | Marokko | ||
Norge | Mongolia | Saint Lucia | Mauritania | ||
Østerrike | Myanmar (Burma) | Saint Pierre og Miquelon | Mauritius | ||
Polen | Nepal | Saint Vincent og Grenadinene | Mayotte | ||
Portugal | Nord-Korea | Saint-Barthélemy | Mosambik | ||
Romania | Oman | Saint-Martin | Namibia | ||
Russland | Pakistan | Sint Maarten | Niger | ||
San Marino | Palestina | Trinidad og Tobago | Nigeria | ||
Serbia | Qatar | Turks- og Caicosøyene | Réunion | ||
Slovakia | Saudi-Arabia | USA | Rwanda | ||
Slovenia | Singapore | Sankt Helena | |||
Spania | Sør-Korea | São Tomé og Príncipe | |||
Storbritannia | Sri Lanka | Senegal | |||
Svalbard og Jan Mayen | Syria | Seychellene | |||
Sveits | Tadsjikistan | Sierra Leone | |||
Sverige | Taiwan | Somalia | |||
Tsjekkia | Thailand | Sør-Afrika | |||
Tyskland | Turkmenistan | Sør-Sudan | |||
Ukraina | Tyrkia | Sudan | |||
Ungarn | Usbekistan | Tanzania | |||
Vatikanstaten | Vietnam | Togo | |||
Tsjad | |||||
Tunisia | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Vest-Sahara | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe |