The hermetically tight closing doors roll on a track in the upper area, while the door leaf is guided at the bottom by three flat cams, fastened appropriately. The cams are rotatable both to reduce friction and minimize noise. Shortly before reaching the closed position, the door lowers on the track downward and toward the wall by a few millimeters, thereby exerting pressure on the door seals, which press against the sealing surfaces to produce the hermetic seal. Being flexible, the lower seal can to some extent compensate if the floor surface is not completely level and flat.
By building on the basic model, many variants for special applications can be created. Protection against electrons, X-rays and gamma rays can be provided with the addition of a full-surface lead insert in the door leaf, in the inside of the frame profiles as well as in the plinth itself. This radiation protection is available in lead equivalents of 0.5 mm increments, and the door is available as a single or double leaf sliding model.
Tilgjengelighet etter region
Europa | Asia | Afrika | Sør Amerika | Oceania |
Åland | Afghanistan | Algerie | Argentina | Amerikansk Samoa |
Albania | Armenia | Angola | Bolivia | Australia |
Andorra | Aserbajdsjan | Benin | Brasil | Cookøyene |
Belgia | Bahrain | Botswana | Chile | Fiji |
Bosnia-Hercegovina | Bangladesh | Burkina Faso | Colombia | Fransk Polynesia |
Bulgaria | Bhutan | Burundi | Ecuador | Guam |
Danmark | Brunei | Den demokratiske republikken Kongo | Falklandsøyene (Malvinas) | Kiribati |
Estland | Christmas Island | Den sentralafrikanske republikk | Fransk Guyana | Marshalløyene |
Færøyene | De forente arabiske emirater | Djibouti | Guyana | Mikronesiaføderasjonen |
Finland | Det britiske territoriet i Indiahavet | Egypt | Paraguay | Nauru |
Frankrike | Filippinene | Ekvatorial-Guinea | Peru | New Zealand |
Gibraltar | Georgia | Elfenbenskysten | Surinam | Niue |
Guernsey | Hongkong | Eritrea | Uruguay | Nord-Marianene |
Hellas | India | Eswatini | Venezuela | Norfolkøyene |
Hviterussland | Indonesia | Etiopia | Ny-Caledonia | |
Irland | Irak | Gabon | Øst-Timor | |
Island | Iran | Gambia | Palau | |
Isle of Man | Israel | Ghana | Papua Ny-Guinea | |
Italia | Japan | Guinea | Pitcairn | |
Jersey | Jemen | Guinea-Bissau | Salomonøyene | |
Kroatia | Jordan | Kamerun | Samoa | |
Kypros | Kambodsja | Kapp Verde | Tokelau | |
Latvia | Kasakhstan | Kenya | Tonga | |
Liechtenstein | Kina | Komorene | Tuvalu | |
Litauen | Kirgisistan | Kongo | United States Minor Outlying Islands | |
Luxemburg | Kokosøyene | Lesotho | Vanuatu | |
Malta | Kuwait | Liberia | Wallis og Futuna | |
Moldova | Laos | Libya | ||
Monaco | Libanon | Madagaskar | ||
Montenegro | Macao | Malawi | ||
Nederland | Malaysia | Mali | ||
Nord-Makedonia | Maldivene | Marokko | ||
Norge | Mongolia | Mauritania | ||
Østerrike | Myanmar (Burma) | Mauritius | ||
Polen | Nepal | Mayotte | ||
Portugal | Nord-Korea | Mosambik | ||
Romania | Oman | Namibia | ||
Russland | Pakistan | Niger | ||
San Marino | Palestina | Nigeria | ||
Serbia | Qatar | Réunion | ||
Slovakia | Saudi-Arabia | Rwanda | ||
Slovenia | Singapore | Sankt Helena | ||
Spania | Sør-Korea | São Tomé og Príncipe | ||
Storbritannia | Sri Lanka | Senegal | ||
Svalbard og Jan Mayen | Syria | Seychellene | ||
Sveits | Tadsjikistan | Sierra Leone | ||
Sverige | Taiwan | Somalia | ||
Tsjekkia | Thailand | Sør-Afrika | ||
Tyskland | Turkmenistan | Sør-Sudan | ||
Ukraina | Tyrkia | Sudan | ||
Ungarn | Usbekistan | Tanzania | ||
Vatikanstaten | Vietnam | Togo | ||
Tsjad | ||||
Tunisia | ||||
Uganda | ||||
Vest-Sahara | ||||
Zambia | ||||
Zimbabwe |