Mighty Mo® Cabinet Airflow Baffles

Mighty Mo® Cabinet Airflow Baffles

Ortronics Airflow Baffles for cabinets ensure the proper flow of air from cold aisle to hot aisle, even with side ventilated equipment. Air dam kits prevent hot air from reticulating and mixing with the cool air when used with equipment that breathes front to rear. All airflow baffles are for 32” wide frames. The airflow baffles are available for both 42 rack unit and 47 rack unit frames that have mounting rails set to 16 ¼” or 30”.
Tekniske spesifikasjoner
  • Unik ref.ortronics-1038
  • ProduktfamilieCommunication and Data Processing Equipment
  • ProduktgruppeRacks, Cabinets, and Physical Support
  • TypeObjekt (enkelt objekt)
  • Utgivelsesdato2017-01-19
  • Utgavenummer1
  • BIMobject kategoriElektronikk - Nettverk

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