Part number: M99A and M99AB
Optima sensor-operated hand dryers from Mediclinics are a suitable solution for those looking for an auto hand dryer with an optimum performance at a very competitive price. These models are ideal to be installed in washrooms with an average traffic of people like for example, restaurants, theatres, offices, etc.
Sensor operated models, equipped with an induction motor, which do not require any maintenance. Manufactured using the highest quality materials, they also include an optical reader for hand distance detection, which is adjustable.
In order to better blend with the washroom’s decoration, it is available in steel white or matte black Epoxy finish.
Thanks to R&D&I, Mediclinics manufactur a dryer with a smooth design, which is made using a highly robust material, with anti-vandalism features.
These dryers also provide maximum safety, with a safety thermal cut off installed in the motor and another one in the dryer’s heating element.
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Tsjad | |||
Tunisia | |||
Uganda | |||
Vest-Sahara | |||
Zambia | |||
Zimbabwe |