i.idro DRAIN
i.idro DRAIN
i.idro DRAIN
i.idro DRAIN

    i.idro DRAIN

    Pervious concrete pavement.

    i.idro DRAIN is a premixed concrete with a porous volume through which water flows freely is achieved. The draining capacity is ensured through an accurate selection of the aggregates the binder action of the cement used in i.idro DRAIN.

    The high permeability of i.idro DRAIN allows an immediate water infiltration, which improves the adherence of vehicles and circulation comfort .

    As there is less absorption of light than in asphalt, i.idro DRAIN provides greater visibility.

    - i.idro DRAIN absorbs part of the noise emitted by roading of vehicles.
    - i.idro DRAIN has a lower maintenance cost than more conventional solutions (asphalt).
    - i.idro DRAIN allows the addition of fibers, which reduces or minimizes the risk of cracking.

    i.idro DRAIN concrete is specially recommended for paving applications: - ornamental, comfortable and resistant pavements  - sports track - recreation areas - greenhouses, gardens . sidewalks - trails, paths - parking lots - cycle lanes - low-volume roadways,  - walkways and alleys - base with water storage capacity - golf courses - pool beach areas - corks

    Aggregates size (mm): < 3 Density:1.900 to 2.100 kg/m3 % Voids: 15-25% Yield (1 cm thickness): 19 to 21 Kg /m2  Drain capacity: ≥ 200 mm/min Colour: gray, white, red, green, cream, sand, yellowish and chamois Compressive strength:≥ 10 MPa

    About the above results, consult test conditions in the product data sheet

    • Calcestruzzo drenante pre-confezionato, tipo i.idro DRAIN, a base di leganti idraulici cementizi, aggregati selezionati e di additivi ,avente caratteristiche drenanti e traspiranti, con alta percentuale di vuoti, consegnato in autobetoniera e/o sacco da 25 Kg, da applicare mediante l'utilizzo di mezzi meccanici oppure a mano, nell'idoneo spessore e correttamente compattato, su diversi tipi di sub-strati, opportunamente protetto a fine getto mediante applicazione di teli in plastica . Al fine di mantenere le proprietà drenanti del prodotto, ne’ allo stato fresco ne’ allo stato indurito, non devono essere aggiunte sabbie o polveri di alcun genere, che possano occludere i vuoti presenti nel prodotto.

    Tekniske spesifikasjoner
    • Unik ref.i-idro_DRAIN
    • ProduktfamiliePavements
    • ProduktgruppePervious concrete
    • TypeObjekt (enkelt objekt)
    • Utgivelsesdato2020-05-12
    • Utgavenummer2
    • HovedmaterialeMur
    • Designet iItalia
    • Produsert iItalia
    • BIMobject kategoriByggematerialer - Betong
    • IFC-klassifiseringMateriale
    • UNSPSC-navnConcrete and mortars
    • UNSPSC-kode301115
    • Uniclass 2015 kodeSs_30_14_15_17
    • Uniclass 2015 beskrivelseConcrete porous paving systems
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 kode32 14 43
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 tittelPorous Unit Paving
    • OmniClass-nummer23-11 21 11
    • OmniClass-tittelPorous Paving
    • CSI UniFormat II kodeB1010
    • CSI UniFormat II tittelFloor Construction

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