Liquid Façade Breathable Membrane - Passive Purple External Brush
Liquid Façade Breathable Membrane - Passive Purple External Brush
Liquid Façade Breathable Membrane - Passive Purple External Brush
Liquid Façade Breathable Membrane - Passive Purple External Brush
Liquid Façade Breathable Membrane - Passive Purple External Brush
Liquid Façade Breathable Membrane - Passive Purple External Brush
Liquid Façade Breathable Membrane - Passive Purple External Brush
Liquid Façade Breathable Membrane - Passive Purple External Brush
Liquid Façade Breathable Membrane - Passive Purple External Brush
Liquid Façade Breathable Membrane - Passive Purple External Brush

    Liquid Façade Breathable Membrane - Passive Purple External Brush

    PASSIVE PURPLE® EXTERNAL BRUSH is a ready-to-use coating based on specific pure acrylate polymer dispersions. After application with a paintbrush, Passive Purple External Brush dries to a durable, flexible, watertight and damp-open membrane.
    Passive Purple External Brush is most commonly applied ahead of Passive Purple External, our spray solution, to protect gaps, joints, connections, service penetrations, and corner junctions.

    • Wall/Ceiling Connections

    Wall/ceiling connections need to be made airtight, especially when the connections are made of two different types of construction materials such as red brick/concrete or steel/concrete. Different construction materials react differently to changes in humidity and temperature, moving at different rates, which can lead to small cracks in plaster or another type of finishing. That movement can create air leaks that cause your building’s energy performance to suffer and potentially open the gateway for damp and mould to appear.

    • Envelope Penetrations

    Service penetrations can be the downfall of any air tightness testing. Passive Purple Brush facade membrane is applied around objects that penetrate any surface to the external envelope, sealing where most tapes and membranes fail. Before you apply Passive Purple Brush, first apply polyurethane foam around any penetrations. After hardening, remove the excess foam and apply a generous amount of Passive Purple with a flat paintbrush. In all cases, apply a sufficient, well-covering layer to guarantee airtightness.

    • Window/Door Reveals

    Passive Purple Brush can be applied (and is tested) on different construction materials such as concrete, brick, wood, PVC, aluminium and polyurethane foam. With a coat of Passive Purple External Brush, the whole window/door reveal can be made airtight.

    • Passive House




      Rain Screen






      Airtight Vapour Control

      Facade Membrane

      Vapour Control

      Paint on Airtightness


    Tekniske spesifikasjoner
    • Unik ref.Passive-Purple-External-Brush
    • TypeByggemateriale
    • Utgivelsesdato2023-05-19
    • Utgavenummer1
    • BIMobject kategoriByggematerialer - Vanntetting