A window system to meet present and future needs
An intelligent combination of geometry and material enables the new heroal W 77 window system to achieve a Uf value of 0.95W/m²K (view width: 120 mm) at passive-house level, with an installation depth of just 77 mm. With this development, heroal has designed the thermally separated aluminium window in such a way that it not only meets present demands stated by the 2016 German Energy Savings Regulation (Energieeinsparverordnung, EnEV) over the long term, but also fulfils future requirements for “nearly zero-energy buildings”.
The most significant system feature of the heroal W 77 window system is its low installation depth of 77 mm coupled with unique energy values. This means less material, energy and resources, resulting in a perfect balance between profitability and economy.
Standard window fittings can be used, making it possible to “update” fitting components over the long term. As a result, architects and planners are offered a window system with a great number of variances, maximum quality and superior product reliability, enabling them to design architecture that fulfils investor requirements and preferences.
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