Basin mixer MEDICARE is made from a lead-free material and it have a clean visual design with round, smooth lines, and joints have been kept to a minimum. The mixer has longer lever, clear colour marks and extra-long spouts to easily access the water jet. The aerator is angled at 32 degrees, which optimizes the aim of the water jet in the basin. The mixer also has FM Mattsson’s well-known energy-saving solutions and functions such as cold start and soft closing.
About the collection
FM Mattsson MEDICARE collection has been designed in close collaboration with healthcare professionals. A new collection that emphasis on hygiene, accessibility and sustainability and has been developed to meet the specific needs of the healthcare sector and make daily life easier for people with reduced mobility and orientation capacity.
Krom, Lengre tut, Soft PEX®. 3250-4010 NRF 4300091
Krom, Lengre tut, CU-rør. 3250-4110 NRF 4300092
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