If you are looking for a single-ply roofing solution that combines proven performance and durability, Elevate RubberGard EPDM is a safe choice.
In various types of buildings and in any climate our RubberGard EPDM roofing system, backed by over a century of experience in rubber technology, offers you the highest possible protection.
Why can you rely on our RubberGard EPDM roofing?
· Superior durability and longevity
· Quick and easy installation
· High flexibility and elongation
· Low-life cycle costs
· Compatible with extensive green roof & photovoltaic installations
RubberGard EPDM fits any installation, even on the most challenging rooftops.
Extensive Green Roofing Systems, using lightweight and low maintenance sedum vegetation, can perfectly be combined with a RubberGard EPDM Roofing System. RubberGard EPDM membrane can be used in conjunction with extensive vegetation and give the green roofing system a durable, reliable foundation.
· Increased life expectancy of the roof
· Added value and aesthetics
· Lower energy costs
· Easy installation and maintenance
· Improved air quality
· Reduction of the urban heat island effect
· Storm water management
· Extra soundproofing and insulation
· A natural habitat for plants & animals
Contact our experts if you want more details on which EPDM roofing system suits best the nature of your project or visit our website for more information www.holcimelevate.com/uk-en
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Sveits | Usbekistan | Sør-Afrika | |
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Tsjekkia | Tanzania | ||
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Ungarn | Uganda | ||
Vatikanstaten | Vest-Sahara | ||
Zambia | |||
Zimbabwe |