Self-supporting frame system W. 350mm for wall-hung WC pans:
- Black powder-coated steel frame.
- Fixes to load-bearing floors.
- Frame height can be adjusted from 0 - 200mm (with 1m mark).
- Ø 32mm flush tube with Ø 55mm connection washer.
- Ø 100mm PVC soil pipe and PVC collar with waterproof seal, with 2 setting positions.
- Delivered pre-mounted.
- Compatible with solid walls from 10 - 120 mm.
- 30-year warranty.
Fitted with a TEMPOFLUX 3 F¾" time flow direct flush valve:
- Satin finish stainless steel wall plate 210 x 162mm.
- Waterproof recessing housing.
- Soft-touch operation.
- Dual flush 3L/6L, can be adjusted to 2L/4L.
- AB anti-blocking system.
- Backflow prevention device inside the housing.
- Integrated stopcock and flow rate adjuster.
- Acoustic level complies with NF EN 12541 class II.
- Compatible with sea water and grey water.
For technical features see TEMPOFLUX 3 ref. 763BOX-763000.
Kit contents:
(564065): frame system, soil pipe Ø 100mm, flush tube, recessed housing with cover, valve for system flush, vacuum breaker, stopcock, connection accessories.
(763000): control plate, collar for waterproofing, time flow cartridge.
Tilgjengelighet etter region
Asia | Europa | Afrika | Sør Amerika | Oceania | Nord Amerika |
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Aserbajdsjan | Bulgaria | Benin | Brasil | New Zealand | Canada |
Bangladesh | Danmark | Botswana | Chile | Ny-Caledonia | Costa Rica |
Bhutan | Estland | Burkina Faso | Colombia | Øst-Timor | Cuba |
Brunei | Finland | Burundi | Ecuador | Papua Ny-Guinea | Den dominikanske republikk |
De forente arabiske emirater | Frankrike | Den demokratiske republikken Kongo | Falklandsøyene (Malvinas) | Salomonøyene | El Salvador |
Filippinene | Hellas | Den sentralafrikanske republikk | Fransk Guyana | Vanuatu | Grønland |
Georgia | Hviterussland | Djibouti | Guyana | Guatemala | |
India | Irland | Egypt | Paraguay | Haiti | |
Indonesia | Island | Ekvatorial-Guinea | Peru | Honduras | |
Irak | Italia | Elfenbenskysten | Surinam | Jamaica | |
Iran | Kroatia | Eritrea | Uruguay | Mexico | |
Israel | Kypros | Eswatini | Venezuela | Nicaragua | |
Japan | Latvia | Etiopia | Panama | ||
Jemen | Litauen | Gabon | Puerto Rico | ||
Jordan | Moldova | Gambia | Trinidad og Tobago | ||
Kambodsja | Montenegro | Ghana | USA | ||
Kasakhstan | Nederland | Guinea | |||
Kina | Nord-Makedonia | Guinea-Bissau | |||
Kirgisistan | Norge | Kamerun | |||
Kuwait | Østerrike | Kenya | |||
Laos | Polen | Kongo | |||
Libanon | Portugal | Lesotho | |||
Malaysia | Romania | Liberia | |||
Mongolia | Russland | Libya | |||
Myanmar (Burma) | Serbia | Madagaskar | |||
Nepal | Slovakia | Malawi | |||
Nord-Korea | Slovenia | Mali | |||
Oman | Spania | Marokko | |||
Pakistan | Storbritannia | Mauritania | |||
Palestina | Svalbard og Jan Mayen | Mosambik | |||
Qatar | Sveits | Namibia | |||
Saudi-Arabia | Sverige | Niger | |||
Sør-Korea | Tsjekkia | Nigeria | |||
Sri Lanka | Ukraina | Rwanda | |||
Syria | Ungarn | Senegal | |||
Tadsjikistan | Sierra Leone | ||||
Taiwan | Somalia | ||||
Thailand | Sør-Afrika | ||||
Turkmenistan | Sør-Sudan | ||||
Tyrkia | Sudan | ||||
Usbekistan | Tanzania | ||||
Vietnam | Togo | ||||
Tsjad | |||||
Tunisia | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Vest-Sahara | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe |