With all of the security features of a high security portal, the Circlelock Combi is a retrofit option for companies looking to upgrade their security level, while saving on both space and renovation costs and having the additional protection of a fire / smoke / airtight-rated door. The interlocking half portal attaches to an existing swing door, transforming an ordinary door into a high security entrance, capable of protecting the most sensitive areas from unauthorised entry and piggybacking.
The High Security Connection Portal
This half portal can be attached to a swinging door, either on the secure or non-secure side of the sensitive area. On authorisation, the first door opens allowing a user to enter the portal. An integrated security system confirms the user is alone and the second door opens, completing the passage into the secure area. A secondary biometric system such as facial recognition (by others) can be used to confirm identity inside the portal.
Tilgjengelighet etter region
Asia | Europa | Oceania | Afrika |
Afghanistan | Albania | Amerikansk Samoa | Algerie |
Armenia | Belgia | Australia | Egypt |
Aserbajdsjan | Bosnia-Hercegovina | Cookøyene | Marokko |
Bangladesh | Bulgaria | Fiji | Tunisia |
Bhutan | Danmark | Fransk Polynesia | |
Brunei | Estland | Guam | |
De forente arabiske emirater | Finland | Kiribati | |
Filippinene | Frankrike | Marshalløyene | |
Georgia | Hellas | Mikronesiaføderasjonen | |
India | Hviterussland | Nauru | |
Indonesia | Irland | New Zealand | |
Irak | Island | Niue | |
Iran | Italia | Nord-Marianene | |
Israel | Kroatia | Norfolkøyene | |
Japan | Kypros | Ny-Caledonia | |
Jemen | Latvia | Øst-Timor | |
Jordan | Litauen | Palau | |
Kambodsja | Luxemburg | Papua Ny-Guinea | |
Kasakhstan | Moldova | Pitcairn | |
Kina | Montenegro | Salomonøyene | |
Kirgisistan | Nederland | Samoa | |
Kuwait | Nord-Makedonia | Tokelau | |
Laos | Norge | Tonga | |
Libanon | Østerrike | Tuvalu | |
Malaysia | Polen | United States Minor Outlying Islands | |
Mongolia | Portugal | Vanuatu | |
Myanmar (Burma) | Romania | Wallis og Futuna | |
Nepal | Russland | ||
Nord-Korea | Serbia | ||
Oman | Slovakia | ||
Pakistan | Slovenia | ||
Palestina | Spania | ||
Qatar | Storbritannia | ||
Saudi-Arabia | Svalbard og Jan Mayen | ||
Sør-Korea | Sveits | ||
Sri Lanka | Sverige | ||
Syria | Tsjekkia | ||
Tadsjikistan | Tyskland | ||
Taiwan | Ukraina | ||
Thailand | Ungarn | ||
Turkmenistan | |||
Tyrkia | |||
Usbekistan | |||
Vietnam |