The ASSA ABLOY LH6081L light version stand-alone loadhouse is a loading system that represents a complete and stand-alone unit that is installed in front of the building. It comprises all components of a docking system: an autodock leveler, a dock shelter and an overhead sectional door. These components are presented in their individual product datasheets. This product datasheet describes the steel cladding; the loadhouse in which all components are integrated.
Since it is installed outside the building directly in front of the door opening, it has great advantages over a conventional internal ramp for both new buildings as well as for existing buildings that are to be upgraded without any major modifications to the construction of the building.
As a standard, the entire steel frame construction of the ASSA ABLOY LH6081L light version stand-alone loadhouse is hot dip galvanised. Recommended options are a roof drainage system and flashing, adapted to your building.
Tilgjengelighet etter region
Europa | Asia | Afrika |
Åland | Afghanistan | Algerie |
Albania | Bahrain | Angola |
Andorra | De forente arabiske emirater | Benin |
Belgia | Irak | Botswana |
Bosnia-Hercegovina | Iran | Burkina Faso |
Bulgaria | Israel | Burundi |
Danmark | Jemen | Den demokratiske republikken Kongo |
Estland | Jordan | Den sentralafrikanske republikk |
Færøyene | Kuwait | Djibouti |
Finland | Libanon | Egypt |
Frankrike | Oman | Ekvatorial-Guinea |
Gibraltar | Palestina | Elfenbenskysten |
Guernsey | Qatar | Eritrea |
Hellas | Saudi-Arabia | Eswatini |
Hviterussland | Syria | Etiopia |
Irland | Tyrkia | Gabon |
Island | Gambia | |
Isle of Man | Ghana | |
Italia | Guinea | |
Jersey | Guinea-Bissau | |
Kroatia | Kamerun | |
Kypros | Kapp Verde | |
Latvia | Kenya | |
Liechtenstein | Komorene | |
Litauen | Kongo | |
Luxemburg | Lesotho | |
Malta | Liberia | |
Moldova | Libya | |
Monaco | Madagaskar | |
Montenegro | Malawi | |
Nederland | Mali | |
Nord-Makedonia | Marokko | |
Norge | Mauritania | |
Østerrike | Mauritius | |
Polen | Mayotte | |
Portugal | Mosambik | |
Romania | Namibia | |
Russland | Niger | |
San Marino | Nigeria | |
Serbia | Réunion | |
Slovakia | Rwanda | |
Slovenia | Sankt Helena | |
Spania | São Tomé og Príncipe | |
Storbritannia | Senegal | |
Svalbard og Jan Mayen | Seychellene | |
Sveits | Sierra Leone | |
Sverige | Somalia | |
Tsjekkia | Sør-Afrika | |
Tyskland | Sør-Sudan | |
Ukraina | Sudan | |
Ungarn | Tanzania | |
Vatikanstaten | Togo | |
Tsjad | ||
Tunisia | ||
Uganda | ||
Vest-Sahara | ||
Zambia | ||
Zimbabwe |