Continuing a tradition of sustainable fitness solutions, the G778 Stepper offers a challenging cardio workout while strengthening core and lower body muscles. The low step-up height allows for safe ingress and egress from the machine and a natural step pattern feels like climbing real stairs. Built-in workout programs and a speed range of 20 to 180 steps per minute create a custom workout experience. The backlit, easy-to-read LCD display and 14 real-time data readouts including steps climbed, calories burned and Watts to Grid lets users feel good knowing they are one step closer to reaching their fitness goals while helping the planet at the same time.
Beschikbaarheid regio
Noord Amerika |
Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden |
Anguilla |
Antigua en Barbuda |
Aruba |
Bahama's |
Barbados |
Belize |
Bermuda |
Britse Maagdeneilanden |
Canada |
Caribisch Nederland |
Costa Rica |
Cuba |
Curaçao |
Dominica |
Dominicaanse Republiek |
El Salvador |
Grenada |
Groenland |
Guadeloupe |
Guatemala |
Haïti |
Honduras |
Jamaica |
Kaaimaneilanden |
Martinique |
Mexico |
Montserrat |
Nicaragua |
Panama |
Porto Rico |
Saint Kitts en Nevis |
Saint Martin |
Saint Vincent en de Grenadines |
Saint-Barthélemy |
Saint-Pierre en Miquelon |
SaintLucia |
Sint Maarten |
Trinidad en Tobago |
Turks- en Caicoseilanden |
Verenigde Staten |