High power condensing thermal module with large water content, designed for single or bank installations, in combination with a complete range of hydro, gas and flue gas accessories, up to 960 kW
Hydraulic, gas and flue gas accessories for bank installation, INAIL certificate, with 2 and 3 modules
Flue gas tube heat exchanger, made with AISI 316 Ti stainless steel, with vertical configuration, helical cross-section, set up perpendicularly to the flue gas chamber
Full pre-mixing combustion unit with metal fibre front combustion burner with very low emissions (CLASS 6 according to EN 15502-1). The modules can run on Methane and LPG
The combustion chamber has an extremely contained overall vertical dimension so that the exchange of water/flue gases can take place over the entire extension of the exchanger
Generator protection systems: Double sensor (delivery and return) system for operation at ∆T constant (adjustable up to 60°C) / Flue gas safety sensor / Water pressure switch with minimum threshold at 0.8 bar
Air / Flue gas circuit with intake in the installation site and check valve integrated on the intake unit to size the pressurised flue gas manifold
Control panel protected by a door built into the outer casing with key lock
Four heavy-duty floating wheels fitted per standard to facilitate unloading and mobility inside the thermal power plant. Adjustable feet for positioning
Beschikbaarheid regio
Europa |
Åland |
Albanië |
Andorra |
België |
Bosnië en Herzegovina |
Bulgarije |
Cyprus |
Denemarken |
Duitsland |
Estland |
Faeröer |
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Frankrijk |
Gibraltar |
Griekenland |
Guernsey |
Hongarije |
Ierland |
IJsland |
Isle of Man |
Italië |
Jersey |
Kroatië |
Letland |
Liechtenstein |
Litouwen |
Luxemburg |
Malta |
Moldavië |
Monaco |
Montenegro |
Nederland |
Noord-Macedonië |
Noorwegen |
Oekraïene |
Oostenrijk |
Polen |
Portugal |
Roemenië |
Rusland |
San Marino |
Servië |
Slovenië |
Slowakije |
Spanje |
Spitsbergen |
Tsjechië |
Vaticaanstad |
Verenigd Koninkrijk |
Wit-Rusland |
Zweden |
Zwitserland |