Key Features
The Commercial CCA-80 constant coverage aisle loudspeaker is an asymmetric, full-range, 3-way horn device ideal for paging and background music. It produces a long, rectangular coverage pattern that delivers exceptional speech intelligibility in the challenging acoustic environment of long aisles or concourses.
The CCA-80 constant coverage aisle loudspeaker is an asymmetric, full-range, three-way, triaxial loudspeaker engineered for optimal performance in long, high-ceilinged narrow spaces such as aisles and corridors.
The asymmetric waveguide design offers precise, uniform coverage with a throw ratio of 6:1. The narrow upper portion of the horn provides extended coverage for distant areas, while the progressively wider, but attenuated, lower portion of the horn ensures full coverage directly beneath the mounting position. The horn is titled downward within the enclosure, a unique design that minimizes aiming precision requirements and guarantees coverage directly beneath the speaker, outperforming traditional horns.
The CCA-80 produces an unrivaled consistent SPL level within its coverage pattern, unlike typical speakers where SPL falls off with distance, making it ideal for background music and voice paging in large spaces. It is optimized to work in the most challenging applications, like warehousing, with mounting heights up to 36 feet.
This speaker delivers full-range 115 Hz to 14 kHz audio, ensuring superior music reproduction and voice clarity. The triaxial design maximizes coherency, resulting in a loudspeaker suitable for both clear voice paging and full range music playback.
This system offers a significant cost advantage, reducing total system costs by over 50% compared to existing premium solutions. No other product on the market offers this level of innovation and efficiency in asymmetric paging speakers.
Beschikbaarheid regio
Europa | Azië | Noord Amerika | Afrika | Zuid-Amerika | Oceanië |
Åland | Afghanistan | Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden | Algerije | Argentinië | Amerikaans Samoa |
Albanië | Armenië | Anguilla | Angola | Bolivia | Australië |
Andorra | Azerbeidzjan | Antigua en Barbuda | Benin | Brazilië | Cookeilanden |
België | Bahrein | Aruba | Botswana | Chili | Fiji |
Bosnië en Herzegovina | Bangladesh | Bahama's | Burkina Faso | Colombia | Frans-Polynesië |
Bulgarije | Bhutan | Barbados | Burundi | Ecuador | Guam |
Cyprus | Brits Indische Oceaanterritorium | Belize | Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek | Falklandeilanden (Islas Malvinas) | Kiribati |
Denemarken | Brunei | Bermuda | Comoren | Frans-Guyana | Kleine Afgelegen Eilanden van de Verenigde Staten |
Duitsland | Cambodja | Britse Maagdeneilanden | Congo-Brazzaville | Guyana | Marshalleilanden |
Estland | China | Canada | Congo-Kinshasa | Paraguay | Micronesia |
Faeröer | Christmaseiland | Caribisch Nederland | Djibouti | Peru | Nauru |
Finland | Cocoseilanden | Costa Rica | Egypte | Suriname | Nieuw-Caledonië |
Frankrijk | Filipijnen | Cuba | Equatoriaal-Guinea | Uruguay | Nieuw-Zeeland |
Gibraltar | Georgië | Curaçao | Eritrea | Venezuela | Niue |
Griekenland | Hongkong | Dominica | eSwatini | Noordelijke Marianen | |
Guernsey | India | Dominicaanse Republiek | Ethiopië | Oost-Timor | |
Hongarije | Indonesië | El Salvador | Gabon | Palau | |
Ierland | Irak | Grenada | Gambia | Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea | |
IJsland | Iran | Groenland | Ghana | Pitcairneilanden | |
Isle of Man | Israël | Guadeloupe | Guinee | Samoa | |
Italië | Japan | Guatemala | Guinee-Bissau | Solomoneilanden | |
Jersey | Jemen | Haïti | Ivoorkust | Territorium Norfolkeiland | |
Kroatië | Jordanië | Honduras | Kaapverdië | Tokelau | |
Letland | Kazachstan | Jamaica | Kameroen | Tonga | |
Liechtenstein | Kirgistan | Kaaimaneilanden | Kenia | Tuvalu | |
Litouwen | Koeweit | Martinique | Lesotho | Vanuatu | |
Luxemburg | Laos | Mexico | Liberia | Wallis en Futuna | |
Malta | Libanon | Montserrat | Libië | ||
Moldavië | Macau | Nicaragua | Madagaskar | ||
Monaco | Maldiven | Panama | Malawi | ||
Montenegro | Maleisië | Porto Rico | Mali | ||
Nederland | Mongolië | Saint Kitts en Nevis | Marokko | ||
Noord-Macedonië | Myanmar (Birma) | Saint Martin | Mauritanië | ||
Noorwegen | Nepal | Saint Vincent en de Grenadines | Mauritius | ||
Oekraïene | Noord-Korea | Saint-Barthélemy | Mayotte | ||
Oostenrijk | Oezbekistan | Saint-Pierre en Miquelon | Mozambique | ||
Polen | Oman | SaintLucia | Namibië | ||
Portugal | Pakistan | Sint Maarten | Niger | ||
Roemenië | Palestina | Trinidad en Tobago | Nigeria | ||
Rusland | Qatar | Turks- en Caicoseilanden | Réunion | ||
San Marino | Saudi-Arabië | Verenigde Staten | Rwanda | ||
Servië | Singapore | Sao Tomé en Principe | |||
Slovenië | Sri Lanka | Senegal | |||
Slowakije | Syrië | Seychellen | |||
Spanje | Tadzjikistan | Sierra Leone | |||
Spitsbergen | Taiwan | Sint-Helena | |||
Tsjechië | Thailand | Somalië | |||
Vaticaanstad | Turkije | Sudan | |||
Verenigd Koninkrijk | Turkmenistan | Tanzania | |||
Wit-Rusland | Verenigde Arabische Emiraten | Togo | |||
Zweden | Vietnam | Tsjaad | |||
Zwitserland | Zuid-Korea | Tunesië | |||
Uganda | |||||
Westelijke Sahara | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe | |||||
Zuid-Afrika | |||||
Zuid-Soedan |