HSF High Security Fencing (description)
High security electro-welded mesh made out of Zinc-Aluminum coated wire through produced according to the exclusive Galvatec Process®, which gives excellent corrosion resistance and cathodic protection against cuts and abrasions: both vertical and horizontal wires of 4.0 mm.
Mesh size 76.2 x 12.7 mm. Available finish: polyester coating in different colors.
High security fencing was designed and implemented with the aim of preventing and hindering any intrusion attempt. Specifically, the quality of the raw materials, the dense mesh weft, the wire diameter higher than the standards, the use of stainless steel security bolts and self-cutting nuts offer full safety thus eliminating any support to hands and feet or the use of nippers.
Specially designed for Physical Protection, Safety and Defense of Plants, Sites, Warehouses, Industrial Areas, Military and Telecommunications Infrastructures, Transport Infrastructures, Critical Infrastructures and Sensitive Sites, Sports Facilities, Events - Internal Compartments, etc – HSF can be realized in customized version and on a specific customer request.
To preserve and ensure:
Beschikbaarheid regio
Europa | Noord Amerika | Afrika |
Åland | Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden | Algerije |
Albanië | Anguilla | Angola |
Andorra | Antigua en Barbuda | Benin |
België | Aruba | Botswana |
Bosnië en Herzegovina | Bahama's | Burkina Faso |
Bulgarije | Barbados | Burundi |
Cyprus | Belize | Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek |
Denemarken | Bermuda | Comoren |
Duitsland | Britse Maagdeneilanden | Congo-Brazzaville |
Estland | Canada | Congo-Kinshasa |
Faeröer | Caribisch Nederland | Djibouti |
Finland | Costa Rica | Equatoriaal-Guinea |
Frankrijk | Cuba | Eritrea |
Gibraltar | Curaçao | eSwatini |
Griekenland | Dominica | Ethiopië |
Guernsey | Dominicaanse Republiek | Gabon |
Hongarije | El Salvador | Gambia |
Ierland | Grenada | Ghana |
IJsland | Groenland | Guinee |
Isle of Man | Guadeloupe | Guinee-Bissau |
Italië | Guatemala | Ivoorkust |
Jersey | Haïti | Kaapverdië |
Kroatië | Honduras | Kameroen |
Letland | Jamaica | Kenia |
Liechtenstein | Kaaimaneilanden | Lesotho |
Litouwen | Martinique | Liberia |
Luxemburg | Mexico | Libië |
Malta | Montserrat | Madagaskar |
Moldavië | Nicaragua | Malawi |
Monaco | Panama | Mali |
Montenegro | Porto Rico | Marokko |
Nederland | Saint Kitts en Nevis | Mauritanië |
Noord-Macedonië | Saint Martin | Mauritius |
Noorwegen | Saint Vincent en de Grenadines | Mayotte |
Oekraïene | Saint-Barthélemy | Mozambique |
Oostenrijk | Saint-Pierre en Miquelon | Namibië |
Polen | SaintLucia | Niger |
Portugal | Sint Maarten | Nigeria |
Roemenië | Trinidad en Tobago | Réunion |
Rusland | Turks- en Caicoseilanden | Rwanda |
San Marino | Verenigde Staten | Sao Tomé en Principe |
Servië | Senegal | |
Slovenië | Seychellen | |
Slowakije | Sierra Leone | |
Spanje | Sint-Helena | |
Spitsbergen | Somalië | |
Tsjechië | Sudan | |
Vaticaanstad | Tanzania | |
Verenigd Koninkrijk | Togo | |
Wit-Rusland | Tsjaad | |
Zweden | Tunesië | |
Zwitserland | Uganda | |
Westelijke Sahara | ||
Zambia | ||
Zimbabwe | ||
Zuid-Afrika | ||
Zuid-Soedan |