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Klik-roeven dak (530 mm, prePATINA blue-grey)

Klik-roeven dak (530 mm, prePATINA blue-grey)

The Click Roll Cap System is the further development of the traditional batten roll cap system. A RHEINZINK-Click Roll Cap Fastener made of galvanised steel is installed between the panels. It is used to fix the panels free of constraint forces and is covered with a roll cap. The standard panel width is 475 mm, which results in a centre distance of 515 mm. As to the zero-stress fixing panel lengths of up to 25 m are possible. The roll cap is about 60 mm in width and about 53 mm in height and helps to structure large roof areas. A fully supporting substrate is required. Special shapes such as convex and concave curves or tapered panels can be produced without any problem.
Technische specificatie
  • Unieke ref.RZK010010
  • ProductfamilieZinc Covering
  • ProductgroepClick Roll Cap Roof (515 mm, prePATINA blue-grey)
  • TypeObject (enkelvoudig object)
  • Publicatiedatum2019-03-01
  • Editienummer1
  • HoofdmateriaalZink
  • Categorie BIMobjectBouw - Dak

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