The SmartMount® Universal Flat Wall Mount series offers the most versatile installation features and mounting options. Horizontal and vertical adjustment abilities allow for post installation leveling and side-to-side positioning, making it easier than ever to find the perfect TV position. The SF640(P) models’ low-profile design offers the sleek, aesthetically pleasing look to fit into any décor. Security screws provided in the SF640 models deter tampering and theft. The open wall plate design offers total wall access, increasing the electrical and cable management options. The display can now simply be installed by a single person with the Hook-and-Hang™ system. The Easy-Glide™ adaptors hook onto the wall plate for an overall quick, simple, and secure installation. This display size range is simply a guideline for product selection. Displays larger than the screen size range may still be compatible as long as they fall within the VESA® pattern and max weight of the Peerless-AV® product.
Beschikbaarheid regio
Europa | Noord Amerika |
Åland | Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden |
Albanië | Anguilla |
Andorra | Antigua en Barbuda |
België | Aruba |
Bosnië en Herzegovina | Bahama's |
Bulgarije | Barbados |
Cyprus | Belize |
Denemarken | Bermuda |
Duitsland | Britse Maagdeneilanden |
Estland | Canada |
Faeröer | Caribisch Nederland |
Finland | Costa Rica |
Frankrijk | Cuba |
Gibraltar | Curaçao |
Griekenland | Dominica |
Guernsey | Dominicaanse Republiek |
Hongarije | El Salvador |
Ierland | Grenada |
IJsland | Groenland |
Isle of Man | Guadeloupe |
Italië | Guatemala |
Jersey | Haïti |
Kroatië | Honduras |
Letland | Jamaica |
Liechtenstein | Kaaimaneilanden |
Litouwen | Martinique |
Luxemburg | Mexico |
Malta | Montserrat |
Moldavië | Nicaragua |
Monaco | Panama |
Montenegro | Porto Rico |
Nederland | Saint Kitts en Nevis |
Noord-Macedonië | Saint Martin |
Noorwegen | Saint Vincent en de Grenadines |
Oekraïene | Saint-Barthélemy |
Oostenrijk | Saint-Pierre en Miquelon |
Polen | SaintLucia |
Portugal | Sint Maarten |
Roemenië | Trinidad en Tobago |
Rusland | Turks- en Caicoseilanden |
San Marino | Verenigde Staten |
Servië | |
Slovenië | |
Slowakije | |
Spanje | |
Spitsbergen | |
Tsjechië | |
Vaticaanstad | |
Verenigd Koninkrijk | |
Wit-Rusland | |
Zweden | |
Zwitserland |