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MuteBox One - Phone booth
MuteBox One - Phone booth
MuteBox One - Phone booth
MuteBox One - Phone booth
MuteBox One - Phone booth

    MuteBox One - Phone booth

    The MuteBox is an office telephone booth and a step towards a calmer and happier workplace, offering a safe space for conversation, focus and privacy. The MuteBox comes from the desire to develop well-being for employees at workplaces worldwide. When using the MuteBox you will get a space of pure confidentiality where the outside world can’t hear your conversations, and the acoustic panels on the exterior absorb the noise in the room it's placed. This creates a 2-in-1 acoustic effect.
    The MuteBox is more than just a piece of furniture. It is a peaceful space that is beautiful, minimalistic and is designed to fit into all offices.

    Technische specificatie
    • Unieke ref.mutebox-one
    • TypeObject (enkelvoudig object)
    • Publicatiedatum2021-04-23
    • Editienummer1
    • Hoogte (mm)2230
    • Breedte (mm)1034
    • Diepte (mm)1064
    • HoofdmateriaalMDF
    • Secundair materiaalEik
    • Ontworpen inDenemarken
    • Gefabriceerd inDenemarken
    • Nettogewicht (kg)250
    • Categorie BIMobjectMeubilair - Meubilair