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Vibe Desk Screen VFD160F - Showcase
Vibe Desk Screen VFD160F - Showcase

    Vibe Desk Screen VFD160F - Showcase


    With Vibe desktop screens, each individual can have their own quiet haven, even in activity-based offices and other open-plan working environments. The screens are easily mounted and come in a number of sizes and colours.

    The Vibe screen series includes a large number of floor, wall, ceiling and desktop screens available in many sizes, colours and designs. The desktop screens are sound-absorbing and come in two categories: Vibe Light, which partitions, and Vibe Focus, which partitions and is sound-absorbent.  You can quickly and simply mount Vibe using the unique attachment found on a number of our screens. And, you can easily customise spaces to meet your particular needs by choosing from among our accessories and colours.

    • Vibe Focus (40 mm), FlyBy (positioned in front of desktop).DIMENSIONS: W1600 x H650 mm. MATERIALS: Vibe Focusconsists of a FSC-certified wood frame filled with a sound-absorbing plate madeof polyester. Laminated fabric (covered with 3 mm of foam) is sewn together toform a bag, which is slipped over the core. SOUND ABSORBING: High soundabsorption and screening. Vibe Focus bothpartitions and is sound-absorbent. DESIGN: Kinnarps Studio. 

      Not available on:  Polaris, Origo

    Technische specificatie
    • Unieke ref.vibe-desk-screen-vfd160f-showcase
    • ProductfamilieScreen Systems
    • ProductgroepVibe Desk Screens
    • TypeShowcase (model)
    • Publicatiedatum2019-07-26
    • Editienummer1
    • Hoogte (mm)650
    • Breedte (mm)1600
    • HoofdmateriaalMateriaal
    • Secundair materiaalPolyester
    • Ontworpen inZweden
    • Gefabriceerd inZweden
    • Categorie BIMobjectMeubilair - Scheidingswanden en -schermen
    • IFC-classificatieFurniture
    • UNSPSC-naamFurniture and Furnishings
    • UNSPSC-code56
    • Uniclass 2015-codeEF_40_30
    • Uniclass 2015-beschrijvingFurnishings
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code09 84 00
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 TitelAcoustic Room Components
    • CSI UniFormat II-codeE20
    • CSI UniFormat II-titelFURNISHINGS