Planters in line with the Green Furniture seating. Can serve as corners, connectors dividers and turning joints in a bench formation. Seamless and modular, and with curvature of choice just like the seating.
The Planters of solid metal accessories are designed with the Green Furniture Concept bench series Nova C and IOU in mind, but also work very well as stand-alone products.
Here is a few benefits of indoor plants:
Reducing carbon dioxide levels
Increasing humidity
Reducing levels of certain pollutants, such as benzene and nitrogen dioxide
Reducing airborne dust levels
Keeping air temperatures down
Material: Powder coated steel (color of choice)
Can be equipped with Mona Plant System on request.
Beschikbaarheid regio
Europa | Azië | Noord Amerika |
Åland | Armenië | Canada |
Albanië | Azerbeidzjan | Verenigde Staten |
Andorra | Bangladesh | |
België | Bhutan | |
Bosnië en Herzegovina | Brits Indische Oceaanterritorium | |
Bulgarije | Brunei | |
Cyprus | Cambodja | |
Denemarken | China | |
Duitsland | Christmaseiland | |
Estland | Cocoseilanden | |
Faeröer | Filipijnen | |
Finland | Georgië | |
Frankrijk | Hongkong | |
Gibraltar | India | |
Griekenland | Indonesië | |
Guernsey | Japan | |
Hongarije | Kazachstan | |
Ierland | Kirgistan | |
IJsland | Laos | |
Isle of Man | Macau | |
Italië | Maldiven | |
Jersey | Maleisië | |
Kroatië | Mongolië | |
Letland | Myanmar (Birma) | |
Liechtenstein | Nepal | |
Litouwen | Noord-Korea | |
Luxemburg | Oezbekistan | |
Malta | Pakistan | |
Moldavië | Singapore | |
Monaco | Sri Lanka | |
Montenegro | Tadzjikistan | |
Nederland | Taiwan | |
Noord-Macedonië | Thailand | |
Noorwegen | Turkmenistan | |
Oekraïene | Vietnam | |
Oostenrijk | Zuid-Korea | |
Polen | ||
Portugal | ||
Roemenië | ||
Rusland | ||
San Marino | ||
Servië | ||
Slovenië | ||
Slowakije | ||
Spanje | ||
Spitsbergen | ||
Tsjechië | ||
Vaticaanstad | ||
Verenigd Koninkrijk | ||
Wit-Rusland | ||
Zweden | ||
Zwitserland |