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LG Commercial Dryers

LG Commercial Dryers

4.7 out of 5 stars4.7(26 reviews)
LG Commercial Dryers for Card- & Coin-Operated Laundries

The LG Platinum Commercial Laundry System offers vended laundries unrivaled energy-efficiency, programmability, installation flexibility and durability. Offering 22.5 pounds of capacity,
LG Platinum Washers and Dryers are available in electric and natural gas models, and are configurable to meet the needs of nearly any vended laundry application – card or coin.

Technische specificatie
  • Unieke ref.continentalgirbau-0020
  • ProductfamilieClothes Dryers
  • ProductgroepLG Platinum
  • TypeObject (enkelvoudig object)
  • Publicatiedatum2016-11-17
  • Editienummer1
  • HoofdmateriaalMetaal
  • Categorie BIMobjectElektronica - Apparaten

Beschikbaarheid regio

Noord Amerika
Verenigde Staten