FM Mattsson 9000E Tronic is a new generation of sensor operated mixers in Sweden. All technical parts are integrated in the mixer body for easy maintenance. The temperature is easily set by means of a lever at the side of the mixer. The lever can be fixed in order to
secure the mixer against scalding or alternatively remove the lever if you need only a fixed temperature. There is also a programmable function for hygienic flush that prevents the water to be stagnant too long and thereby prevents bacteria to grow.
16411000 - Chrome, Mains operation RSK 8553578 NRF 4300974 LVI 6158056 VVS 704369504.
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Åland |
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Andorra |
België |
Bosnië en Herzegovina |
Bulgarije |
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Denemarken |
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Servië |
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Verenigd Koninkrijk |
Wit-Rusland |
Zweden |
Zwitserland |